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Re: (gnu)sed in texinfo

From: Mihai Moldovan
Subject: Re: (gnu)sed in texinfo
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 18:08:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

* On 04.07.2014 05:55 pm, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> [...]
> My other suggestions to fix the problem would be the following:
> a) either allow compiling texinfo with ./configure
> --with-sed=/path/to/somesed, so that whenever texinfo is called, it
> would use that variable to cal "the right sed"; or use some other
> trick somewhere to achieve the same

That sounds great. autotools could substitute the correct sed binary easily, if
scripts/binaries are generated from file.in (like, texi2dvi.in.)

> b) set LC_CTYPE=C (I forgot the exact details, but the same is done in
> LuaTeX to avoid problems in different areas); I believe that there is
> no need to actually detect the encoding, I suspect that anything other
> than UTF-8 (that is: C or some ISO encoding accepting any 8-bit char)
> would be fine

That will fail for UTF-8 encoded files, I guess. Hence, I asked for automatic
input charset detection. As that's not possible, I opt for a.)

> I totally agree that "there is no way to detect charsets reliably",
> but I hope that "C" would work. Not using Apple's sed is a bit
> difficult to set up. In configure scripts it is usually easy to do
> something like "export SED=gnused" or "export MAKE=gmake" or things
> like that. But "sed" is hardcoded in texinfo and it's a bit difficult
> to change it.
> So I would paraphrase the question: would it be possible to select
> which SED is used in advance or would it be possible to set some
> environmental variables that would make any given "sed" happy?

Replacing calls to sed by a ${SED} variable which can be set to arbitrary values
from the environment sounds fine, too (with defaulting on the general "sed".)

That would, however, still require to set a SED env variable for all ports
breaking with bsdsed. Maintainers would also need to know about this...

> If that doesn't get fixed, MacPorts will have to patch texinfo with
> ugly workarounds that will make extra burden on both the MacPorts
> maintainers (having to keep patching new versions of texinfo, prone to
> errors as well) as well as texinfo developers (by getting weird bug
> reports from users that wouldn't be your problem at all and that would
> be hard to debug).

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