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Re: problem using install-info with tar.info

From: Alan Wehmann
Subject: Re: problem using install-info with tar.info
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 18:30:41 -0500

Neither tar-a.info nor tar-b.info cause an error.  I attach tar-c.info.  It causes the error on multiple tries, with or without the presence of a dir file.

I created tar-c.info by copying tar-a.info and adding to it the three lines from tar-b.info.

I also attach tar-d.info.  It is like tar-c.info in having the two entries, but inverted.  It does not cause an error, on multiple tries, with or without the dir file present.  The dir file is written with the two entries inverted from what is in tar-d.info.  I attach the dir file resulting from "install-info --debug tar-d.info dir" to illustrate.

I include a few lines from my Emacs shell buffer, showing the failure with tar-c.info and success with tar-d.info:

bash-3.2$ install-info --debug tar-c.info dir
debug: reading dir file dir
debug: reading input file tar-c.info
Abort trap: 6
bash-3.2$ install-info --debug tar-d.info dir
debug: reading dir file dir
debug: reading input file tar-d.info
debug: writing dir file dir

Alan Wehmann

On Oct 31, 2015, at 1:17 PM, Gavin Smith <address@hidden> wrote:

On 31 October 2015 at 18:10, Gavin Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
Here's something to try: After running

install-info --debug tar.info dir

the first time, and dir is created without the correct entries in it, try

install-info --debug tar.info dir

again. That would show if the fact that dir didn't already exist was relevant.

Also, you could try deleting one of the dir entries in the tar.info
file to see if it still breaks. That would indicate if one of them was
a problem.

Here are a couple of files to try.

Attachment: tar-c.info
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dir
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tar-d.info
Description: Binary data

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