Ok now i got the idea .. i'll work on it
On 16 Mar 2016 01:16, "Per Bothner" <
address@hidden> wrote:
On 03/15/2016 11:54 AM, Akila Wicky wrote:
Hi all,
I have planned some structure to this project. I need to get some more details about the keyboard centric UI.
Here sketched up current idea which i have .It's great if you can provide some feedback about this,
A "keyboard-centric UI" means a user interface that focuses on using the keyboard to control
what is viewed. I.e. keyboard shortcuts - but as far as practical using
the keyboard commands of the existing terminal-based 'info' program.
I don't see how your sketch is in any way related to that goal.
Please read http://www.gnu.org/software/soc-projects/ideas-2016.html#texinfo
very carefully and make sure you understand what it is proposing.
The attachment to the message
contains the *beginnings* of what we're asking for: _javascript_ key event
handlers for navigating through the documentation.
BTW you should not reply to "digest" emails, at least not without
changing the Subject line to something meaningful.
--Per Bothner
address@hidden http://per.bothner.com/