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Re: [bug-gawk] 'make -C doc/ pdf' [Makefile:457: recipe for target gawk.

From: arnold
Subject: Re: [bug-gawk] 'make -C doc/ pdf' [Makefile:457: recipe for target gawk.pdf failed]
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 11:52:12 -0600
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08


> there seems to be a regression for the documentation of gawk. I'm not able
> to compile the PDF version of it with current version 4.1.4. I was able to
> compile it in the same way for 4.1.3.
> There's a lot of output during compilation, and unfortunately I do not have
> time to look at it now... :-/ Here's the link to the gawk.log:
> http://pastebin.com/skxGpHnL

I always use

        cd doc ; make pdf

and that works flawlessly for me. I have never used `make -C doc/ pdf'
and I don't know why that fails. In fact, it works just fine for me too
(Ubuntu 16.04).

Looking at your log, it looks like you're not getting the texinfo.tex
file distributed with gawk but a rather older one.

I'm adding the texinfo list, maybe they can shed some light.

> Question: If you fix this issue, will it be in git only, or will you
> prepare new tarball?

Can you just change your procedure to use 'cd doc; make pdf' ?

Or can you help determine why it's not working? Especially since it
does work for me...

Any fix would likely just be in git since this is the first time
such an issue has ever been raised.



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