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Re: recent debian perl tests failures without . in @INC

From: Gavin Smith
Subject: Re: recent debian perl tests failures without . in @INC
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 20:01:50 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 11:48:17AM +0200, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> Hello,
> Recent perl in debian do not have . in @INC anymore, and it will be
> upstream in perl 5.26.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/08/msg00013.html

It seems very awkward.

Do you know if running "make check" still works? If so, maybe we can ignore it 
for now.

If not, "-I ." could be added to AM_T_LOG_FLAGS in tp/Makefile.am. I'm 
not going to do this myself right now, because there is quite a large 
chance I won't fix the issue correctly if I can't test it with the new 
version of perl.

> It seems to me that the difference between tests that work and tests 
> that do not is the presence or not, in BEGIN block of 
>  if (defined($ENV{'top_srcdir'})) {unshift @INC, 
> File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'top_srcdir'}, 'tp');

I see that line is in several of the tests. Texinfo/ModulePath.pm will 
be in the build dir though, so this might not be enough.

> It seems to me that Texinfo/ModulePath.pm is generated so will be in the
> build directory, and that it can set top_srcdir carefully, not
> overwriting it if not needed.  It would also probably be good to have
> tests working even if top_srcdir is not set.
> One possibility could be to add something like the following in every
> test:
>  BEGIN { 
>   if (not (grep {$_ eq '.'} @INC)) {push @INC, '.';} 
>  }
> And maybe the line: 
>  if (defined($ENV{'top_srcdir'})) {unshift @INC, 
> File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'top_srcdir'}, 'tp');
> could be removed, but maybe with a comment stating that it will only
> work for out of source builds if Texinfo/ModulePath.pm is generated in
> the build tree.

I think it depends on where the tests are being run from, so usually the 
build dir will be ".".  'top_srcdir' had to be added to @INC to find 
t/test_utils.pl in tests like t/80include.t.

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