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Re: overfull lines with @url in @raggedright

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: overfull lines with @url in @raggedright
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 20:54:04 +0200 (CEST)

>> shows that @url in @raggedright environments would need some
>> improvements.
> The output looks the same whether it is in @raggedright or not, so
> it seems that it needs improvement in both cases.

Well, yes, but there's not much you can do in the justifying case, I
believe, since both underfull and overfull lines give horrible
results.  The `url' package also provides a means to insert some
inter-character spaces, but this looks even worse IMHO :-/

> I looked at the documentation of the url package at
> https://ctan.org/pkg/url?lang=en.  If I understand it correctly the
> "hyphens" option allows line breaking at a hyphen.


> texinfo.tex is supposed to allow breaking at some characters but not
> the hyphen.  I think breaking at "/" would be sufficient in the
> example you give.  The problem is how to achieve this.

You mean how to code it internally?  I can't help, sorry, since my
knowledge of `texinfo.tex' is too limited.

For the interface to @url, I can imagine something like
address@hidden' and address@hidden' as an equivalent to the
`hyphens' option.

> In the meantime, @/ is an option to allow a break:



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