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a bug in @verbatiminclude in texinfo.tex-2020-05-07.17

From: Akira Kakuto
Subject: a bug in @verbatiminclude in texinfo.tex-2020-05-07.17
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 08:22:20 +0900

Dear maintainers of texinfo.tex,

I have obtained a new dvips.texi by Karl,
and tried to typeset it:
texi2dvi --verbose dvips.texi

I failed with the error message

! Undefined control sequence.
l.39 Email bug reports to tex-k@mail

in @verbatiminclude dvips.help
The line 39 in dvips.help is
Email bug reports to address@hidden.

texinfo.tex is

Apparently @verbatiminclude contains a bug.

By comparing with
where @verbatiminclude was fine, I created a candidate of a patch:
texinfo.tex.diff.gz, which is attached.

I confirmed that
texi2dvi --verbose dvips.texi
was fine after applying the patch, texinfo.tex.diff.

I greatly appreciate if you kindly apply texinfo.tex.diff, or
improved one to texinfo.tex 2020-05-07.17.


Attachment: texinfo.tex.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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