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Re: multitable widths problem

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: multitable widths problem
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 09:57:35 +0100 (CET)

>> Regardless of improvements, the documentation should be improved so
>> that people like me are not suprised by unexpected results of
>> `@columnfractions`.
> I added a note to the manual.


> I think you can already do something with a macro [...]  which does
> work (although you never know with macros and conditionals).  This
> approach would allow you to mix fraction values and prototypes for
> TeX output only.  Perhaps your use case is rare enough that this is
> tolerable?

Alas, it's not really tolerable, since we have multitables
everywhere.  Our problem is that in most of those tables at least one
column contains PDFs with LilyPond graphics, for example

  @code{\clef G}
    \clef G c1
    @end lilypond

Those 'lilypond' environments are handled by the `lilypond-book`
script, which processes the LilyPond code and replaces it with PDF
files for TeX output and PNG images for everything else:

  @code{\clef G}
    @image{lilypond/3f/lily-2af16f63,,,[image of music],}
    @end ifinfo
     <a href="3f/lily-2af16f63.ly">
      <img align="middle"
           alt="[image of music]">
    @end html

    @include 3f/lily-2af16f63-systems.texi
    @end iftex


File `3f/lily-2af16f63-systems.texi` looks like this:


In other words, we can't get the real width of the PDFs easily within
the texinfo framework.  A variant of `@columnfractions` that accepts
both fractions and sample strings would be thus ideal.


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