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Re: permanent links using #fragment names

From: Per Bothner
Subject: Re: permanent links using #fragment names
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2022 12:06:11 -0800
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On 1/9/22 11:01, Gavin Smith wrote:
It can't be, I'm afraid as we are not going to demand that users
use JavaScript in their browsers to access web documentation.

No, but I think it is reasonable that people who won't use JavaScript
get a clunkier user interface.

Navigating within a manual is not a problem and would not change.
I'm not proposing changing very much in the generated html:
Just adding some extra information to the ToC, plus an *option* to have the
URL display in the location bar display as "emacs#Keys" (when JavaScript is 

The issue is what should happen that if someone types or clicks
on a link to "emacs#Keys", doesn't have JavaScript, and Keys is in
a separate Keys.html file. In that case, I think it is OK if the fragment #Keys
takes them some place on the page (probably in the ToC) such that a click will
take them to the correct file and location.
        --Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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