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Re: texi2any not translating @copying contents without @documentlanguage

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: texi2any not translating @copying contents without @documentlanguage
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 23:10:04 +0100

On Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 07:15:03PM +0000, Gavin Smith wrote:
> \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
> @documentlanguage fr 
> @copying
> @defivar copying a b
> @error{}
> @end defivar
> @end copying
> @node Top
> @top top
> @node chap
> @chapter Chap
> @documentlanguage de
> @insertcopying
> @bye
> The output contains the translation "Instanzvariable" as expected:
> 1 Chap
> ******
>  -- Instanzvariable of copying: a b
>      error→
> ("of" not "von" due to incomplete translation files.)

Also this is not the same case, for Instanzvariable, this is an element
which is marked as 'untranslated' with a special type, the other
translation is a regular translation.

> However, removing the first "@documentlanguage fr" line prevents the
> translation:

That's because an element is onlt marked as 'untranslated' if there is a
@documentlanguage set at the time of parsing.  It is possible to change
code such that it is always set.


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