======================================= wget 1.21.2: tests/test-suite.log ======================================= # TOTAL: 94 # PASS: 5 # SKIP: 8 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 81 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 .. contents:: :depth: 2 FAIL: Test-auth-basic ===================== Running test Test-auth-basic Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --user=fiddle-dee-dee --password=Dodgson http://localhost:58658/needs-auth.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --user (user) to fiddle-dee-dee Setting --password (password) to Dodgson Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-auth-basic.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-auth-no-challenge ============================ Running test Test-auth-no-challenge Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --auth-no-challenge --user=fiddle-dee-dee --password=Dodgson http://localhost:58661/needs-auth.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --auth-no-challenge (authnochallenge) to 1 Setting --user (user) to fiddle-dee-dee Setting --password (password) to Dodgson Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-auth-no-challenge.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-auth-no-challenge-url ================================ Running test Test-auth-no-challenge-url Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --auth-no-challenge http://fiddle-dee-dee:Dodgson@localhost:58663/needs-auth.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --auth-no-challenge (authnochallenge) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-auth-no-challenge-url.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-auth-with-content-disposition ======================================== Running test Test-auth-with-content-disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --user=fiddle-dee-dee --password=Dodgson --content-disposition http://localhost:58665/needs-auth.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --user (user) to fiddle-dee-dee Setting --password (password) to Dodgson Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-auth-with-content-disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-auth-retcode ======================= Running test Test-auth-retcode Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:58668/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-auth-retcode.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-c-full ================= Running test Test-c-full Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -c http://localhost:58670/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-c-full.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-c-partial ==================== Running test Test-c-partial Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -c http://localhost:58672/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Exiting subroutine via next at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/HTTPServer.pm line 149. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-c-partial.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-c ============ Running test Test-c Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -c http://localhost:58674/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-c.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-c-shorter ==================== Running test Test-c-shorter Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -c http://localhost:58676/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Exiting subroutine via next at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/HTTPServer.pm line 118. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-c-shorter.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-cookies ================== Running test Test-cookies Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config http://localhost:58678/one.txt http://localhost:58678/two.txt http://localhost:58678/three.txt http://localhost:58678/four.txt http://localhost:58678/five.txt http://localhost:58678/six.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-cookies.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-cookies-401 ====================== Running test Test-cookies-401 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config http://localhost:58680/one.txt http://localhost:58680/two.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-cookies-401.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-E-k-K ================ Running test Test-E-k-K Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -r -nd -E -k -K http://localhost:58683/index.php Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --html-extension (adjustextension) to 1 Setting --convert-links (convertlinks) to 1 Setting --backup-converted (backupconverted) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-E-k-K.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-E-k ============== Running test Test-E-k Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -r -nd -E -k http://localhost:58686/index.php Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --html-extension (adjustextension) to 1 Setting --convert-links (convertlinks) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-E-k.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp ============== Running test Test-ftp Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -S ftp://localhost:58689/afile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-dir ================== Running test Test-ftp-dir Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -S ftp://localhost:58694//dir/afile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-dir.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-pasv-fail ======================== Running test Test-ftp-pasv-fail Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -S ftp://localhost:58699/afile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-pasv-fail.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-bad-list ======================= Running test Test-ftp-bad-list Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -nH -Nc -r ftp://localhost:58705/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-bad-list.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-recursive ======================== Running test Test-ftp-recursive Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -S -nH -r ftp://localhost:58711/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / _LIST_command - dir is: /foo _LIST_command - dir is: /bar _LIST_command - dir is: /bar/baz Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-recursive.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-iri ================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-ftp-iri Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --local-encoding=iso-8859-1 --remote-encoding=utf-8 -S ftp://localhost:58727/français.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to iso-8859-1 Setting --remote-encoding (remoteencoding) to utf-8 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [franais.txt, wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-iri.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-iri-fallback =========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-ftp-iri-fallback Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --local-encoding=iso-8859-1 -S ftp://localhost:58735/français.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to iso-8859-1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Use of uninitialized value in string eq at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/FTPServer.pm line 294, <$socket> chunk 7. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [franais.txt, wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-iri-fallback.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-iri-recursive ============================ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-ftp-iri-recursive Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --local-encoding=iso-8859-1 -r -nH -S ftp://localhost:58743/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to iso-8859-1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [franais.txt, wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-iri-recursive.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-iri-disabled =========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-ftp-iri-disabled Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-iri --local-encoding=iso-8859-1 -S ftp://localhost:58750/français.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 0 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to iso-8859-1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [franais.txt, wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-iri-disabled.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-Multinet ============================ Running test Test-ftp-list-Multinet Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 --accept "?file.txt" ftp://localhost:58755/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Setting --accept (accept) to ?file.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-Multinet.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-Unknown =========================== Running test Test-ftp-list-Unknown Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 --accept "?file.txt" ftp://localhost:58764/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Setting --accept (accept) to ?file.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-Unknown.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-Unknown-a ============================= Running test Test-ftp-list-Unknown-a Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 ftp://localhost:58775/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-Unknown-a.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-Unknown-hidden ================================== Running test Test-ftp-list-Unknown-hidden Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 ftp://localhost:58788/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / _LIST_command - dir is: / get_list: Skipped hidden file [hiddenfile.txt] _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-Unknown-hidden.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-Unknown-list-a-fails ======================================== Running test Test-ftp-list-Unknown-list-a-fails Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 --accept "?file.txt" ftp://localhost:58801/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Setting --accept (accept) to ?file.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-Unknown-list-a-fails.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-list-UNIX-hidden =============================== Running test Test-ftp-list-UNIX-hidden Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-directories --recursive --level=1 ftp://localhost:58810/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --directories (dirstruct) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --level (reclevel) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. _LIST_command - dir is: / Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-list-UNIX-hidden.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp--start-pos ========================= Running test Test-ftp--start-pos Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --start-pos=1 ftp://localhost:58819/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --start-pos (startpos) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp--start-pos.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-1 ===================================== Running test Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-1 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -e contentdisposition=on http://localhost:58824/dummy.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting contentdisposition (contentdisposition) to on Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-1.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-2 ===================================== Running test Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-2 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-content-disposition http://localhost:58826/dummy.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-2.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition =================================== Running test Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -e contentdisposition=on http://localhost:58828/dummy.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting contentdisposition (contentdisposition) to on Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-i-ftp ================ Running test Test-i-ftp Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -i ftp://localhost:58830/urls.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --input-file (input) to ftp://localhost:58830/urls.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-i-ftp.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-i-http ================= Running test Test-i-http Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -i http://localhost:58841/urls.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --input-file (input) to http://localhost:58841/urls.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-i-http.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-headers ====================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-headers Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -rH -e http_proxy=localhost:58843 http://start-here.com/start.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --span-hosts (spanhosts) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58843 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-headers.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-meta =================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-meta Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -rH -e http_proxy=localhost:58846 http://start-here.com/start.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --span-hosts (spanhosts) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58846 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-meta.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-cmd ================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-cmd Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -r -e http_proxy=localhost:58849 --local-encoding=EUC-JP º£Æü¤Ï.ÆüËÜ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58849 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to EUC-JP Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-cmd.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-cmd-utf8 ======================= Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-cmd-utf8 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -r -e http_proxy=localhost:58851 --local-encoding=UTF-8 今日ã�¯.日本 Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58851 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to UTF-8 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-cmd-utf8.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-robots ===================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-robots Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -r -e http_proxy=localhost:58853 --local-encoding=EUC-JP http://º£Æü¤Ï.ÆüËÜ/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58853 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to EUC-JP Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-robots.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-idn-robots-utf8 ========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-idn-robots-utf8 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -r -e http_proxy=localhost:58856 --local-encoding=UTF-8 http://今日ã�¯.日本/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:58856 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to UTF-8 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-idn-robots-utf8.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-iri ============== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-iri Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri --trust-server-names --restrict-file-names=nocontrol -nH -r http://localhost:58859/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --trust-server-names (trustservernames) to 1 Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to nocontrol Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-iri.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-iri-percent ====================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-iri-percent Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -e robots=off --restrict-file-names=nocontrol -nH -r http://localhost:58868/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting robots (robots) to off Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to nocontrol Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-iri-percent.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-iri-disabled ======================= Running test Test-iri-disabled Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-iri -nH -r http://localhost:58870/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 0 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [p1_franais.html, p2_n.html, p3_.html, wget-log] FAIL Test-iri-disabled.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-iri-forced-remote ============================ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-iri-forced-remote Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri -e robots=on --trust-server-names --local-encoding=utf-8 -nH -r http://localhost:58873/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting robots (robots) to on Setting --trust-server-names (trustservernames) to 1 Setting --local-encoding (localencoding) to utf-8 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-iri-forced-remote.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-iri-list =================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test-iri-list Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --iri --trust-server-names -i http://localhost:58876/url_list.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --iri (iri) to 1 Setting --trust-server-names (trustservernames) to 1 Setting --input-file (input) to http://localhost:58876/url_list.txt Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [p1_franais.html, wget-log] FAIL Test-iri-list.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-k ============ OS=cygwin Running test Test-k Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -k -r -nH --restrict-file-names=unix http://localhost:58879/index.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --convert-links (convertlinks) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to unix Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-k.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-meta-robots ====================== Running test Test-meta-robots Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -r -nd http://localhost:58882/start.html http://localhost:58882/mid.html http://localhost:58882/end.html http://localhost:58882/solo.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (dirstruct) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-meta-robots.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N-current ==================== Running test Test-N-current Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:58884/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N-current.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N-HTTP-Content-Disposition ===================================== Running test Test-N-HTTP-Content-Disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N --content-disposition http://localhost:58886/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N--no-content-disposition ==================================== Running test Test-N--no-content-disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N --no-content-disposition http://localhost:58889/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N--no-content-disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N--no-content-disposition-trivial ============================================ Running test Test-N--no-content-disposition-trivial Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N --no-content-disposition http://localhost:58891/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N--no-content-disposition-trivial.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N-no-info ==================== Running test Test-N-no-info Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:58893/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N-no-info.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--no-content-disposition ================================== Running test Test--no-content-disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-content-disposition http://localhost:52164/dummy.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--no-content-disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--no-content-disposition-trivial ========================================== Running test Test--no-content-disposition-trivial Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --no-content-disposition http://localhost:52166/dummy.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--no-content-disposition-trivial.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N-old ================ Running test Test-N-old Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:52168/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N-old.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-noop =============== Running test Test-noop Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config http://localhost:52172/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-noop.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-np ============= Running test Test-np Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -np -nH -r http://localhost:52174/firstlevel/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --no (noparent) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-np.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N ============ Running test Test-N Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:52177/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-N-smaller ==================== Running test Test-N-smaller Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -N http://localhost:52179/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --timestamping (timestamping) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Exiting subroutine via next at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/HTTPServer.pm line 118. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-N-smaller.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-O-HTTP-Content-Disposition ===================================== Running test Test-O-HTTP-Content-Disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -O out http://localhost:52181/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to out Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-O-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-O-nc =============== Running test Test-O-nc Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -nc -O out http://localhost:52183/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --no (noclobber) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to out Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-O-nc.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-O--no-content-disposition ==================================== Running test Test-O--no-content-disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -O out --no-content-disposition http://localhost:55610/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to out Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-O--no-content-disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-O--no-content-disposition-trivial ============================================ Running test Test-O--no-content-disposition-trivial Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -O out --no-content-disposition http://localhost:64290/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to out Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-O--no-content-disposition-trivial.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-O ============ Running test Test-O Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -O out http://localhost:60893/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to out Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-O.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--post-file ===================== Running test Test--post-file Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --post-file=nofile http://localhost:60895/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --post-file (postfile) to nofile Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--post-file.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-proxy-auth-basic =========================== Running test Test-proxy-auth-basic Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --user=fiddle-dee-dee --password=Dodgson -e http_proxy=localhost:60901 http://no.such.domain/needs-auth.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --user (user) to fiddle-dee-dee Setting --password (password) to Dodgson Setting http_proxy (httpproxy) to localhost:60901 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-proxy-auth-basic.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-restrict-ascii ========================= Running test Test-restrict-ascii Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --restrict-file-names=ascii http://localhost:60904/%CE%B3%CE%BD%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B9%CF%82.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to ascii Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-restrict-ascii.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-Restrict-Lowercase ============================= Running test Test-Restrict-Lowercase Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --restrict-file-names=lowercase http://localhost:60906/SomePage.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to lowercase Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-Restrict-Lowercase.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-Restrict-Uppercase ============================= Running test Test-Restrict-Uppercase Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --restrict-file-names=uppercase http://localhost:60908/SomePage.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --restrict-file-names (restrictfilenames) to uppercase Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-Restrict-Uppercase.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-stdouterr ==================== Running test Test-stdouterr Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -c http://localhost:60910/somefile.txt -O /dev/full Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Setting --output-document (outputdocument) to /dev/full Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-stdouterr.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider-fail ======================= Running test Test--spider-fail Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider http://localhost:60912/nonexistent Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider-fail.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider ================== Running test Test--spider Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider http://localhost:60914/index.html Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider-r-HTTP-Content-Disposition ============================================= Running test Test--spider-r-HTTP-Content-Disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider -r http://localhost:60916/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider-r-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition ============================================ Running test Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider -r --no-content-disposition http://localhost:59158/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition-trivial ==================================================== Running test Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition-trivial Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider -r --no-content-disposition http://localhost:59166/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --content-disposition (contentdisposition) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition-trivial.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--spider-r ==================== Running test Test--spider-r Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --spider -r http://localhost:59174/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --spider (spider) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--spider-r.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--start-pos ===================== Running test Test--start-pos Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --start-pos=1 http://localhost:59182/dummy.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --start-pos (startpos) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Exiting subroutine via next at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/HTTPServer.pm line 149. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--start-pos.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--start-pos--continue =============================== Running test Test--start-pos--continue Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --start-pos=1 --continue --debug http://localhost:59184/somefile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --start-pos (startpos) to 1 Setting --continue (continue) to 1 Setting --debug (debug) to 1 Specifying both --start-pos and --continue is not recommended; --continue will be disabled. Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Exiting subroutine via next at $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/HTTPServer.pm line 149. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--start-pos--continue.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test--httpsonly-r ======================= Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Running test Test--httpsonly-r Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config --https-only -r -nH http://localhost:59186/ Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --https-only (httpsonly) to 1 Setting --recursive (recursive) to 1 Setting --no (addhostdir) to 0 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test--httpsonly-r.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-204 ============== Running test Test-204 Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config http://localhost:59188/dummy Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-204.px (exit status: 1) FAIL: Test-ftp-pasv-not-supported ================================= Running test Test-ftp-pasv-not-supported Calling $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/build/tests/../src/wget -d --no-config -S ftp://localhost:59190/afile.txt Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Setting --server-response (serverresponse) to 1 Redirecting output to 'wget-log'. Test failed: unexpected downloaded files [wget-log] FAIL Test-ftp-pasv-not-supported.px (exit status: 1) SKIP: Test-https-pfs ==================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-pfs.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-tlsv1 ====================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-tlsv1.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-tlsv1x ======================= Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-tlsv1x.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-selfsigned =========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-selfsigned.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-weboftrust =========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 SKIP Test-https-weboftrust.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-clientcert =========================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-clientcert.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-crl ==================== Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-crl.px (exit status: 77) SKIP: Test-https-badcerts ========================= Setting --no-config (noconfig) to 1 Failed to resolve WgetTestingServer, using $HOME/src/cygwin/wget/wget-1.21.2-1.x86_64/src/wget-1.21.2/tests/certs/wgethosts SKIP Test-https-badcerts.px (exit status: 77)