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CERTI is evolving: Win32, HLA 1.3, IEEE 1516...

From: Eric NOULARD
Subject: CERTI is evolving: Win32, HLA 1.3, IEEE 1516...
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:48:36 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061024 Firefox/2.0

Dear CERTI users and developers,

The CERTI development team is proud to announce 
the firm will to drive our favorite RTI towards
a broader usability and norm compliance.

We have identified the necessary tasks in order
to achieve (at least):

   * a broader set of HLA 1.3 services
   * a step toward IEEE 1516 compliance
   * the usage of CERTI on the Windows platform

We have posted the corresponding tasks in the tracker

Some of the tasks are already assigned and

* Windows Port: https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?6891

* RO for UAV and SI: https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?6890

others are waiting for volunteers.

Please do not hesitate to either volunteer for a task
or simply comment its design, implementation etc...
using the tracker.

The CERTI devel team

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