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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Fix "char = signed char" assumption in C-b

From: Christian Kellermann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Fix "char = signed char" assumption in C-based s8vector operations
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 10:23:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

* Peter Bex <address@hidden> [131126 22:15]:
> Hi all,
> This was recently reported and I managed to reproduce it on my iBook.
> The tests now crap out on compiler-tests.scm with the following message:

I have pushed this. I couldn't test it on ARM, but it won't make things
worse by looking at the code, so OK for me.

In the world, there is nothing more submissive and weak than
water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong, nothing can
surpass it. --- Lao Tzu

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