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Re: [Chicken-hackers] R7RS .sld library imports

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] R7RS .sld library imports
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 12:56:15 +1200

Hi Lassi,

On 2019-08-29 15:51, Lassi Kortela wrote:
> How much work would it be to support R7RS .sld imports, such that
>     (import (foo bar baz))
> loads a (define-library ...) form from "{root}/foo/bar/baz.sld" for the
> first matching {root} in the load path? This appears to be the emerging
> standard for R7RS imports.

That shouldn't be too hard, and I think a patch adding such a feature
would be welcome. If that's the convention then we should probably make
it easy to use.

In any case, it should be done in the R7RS egg rather than CHICKEN core.
That already has some extensions w.r.t. library handling (e.g. to make
cond-expand recognise the `library' form). It might need to be
implemented as a compiler extension, though, in order to control library



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