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Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Java pages: project on savannah

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Java pages: project on savannah
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:59:34 +0100

>>> Hugo Gayosso <address@hidden> 12-Apr-01 5:36:50 AM >>>

>I am the coordinator of the GNU eval team, we have 
>interacted a little bit with the gnu-java people, I forwarded 
>them the outline we use to review software, 

gnu-java seems to perform a different evaluation function from the
eval team, it selects packages and programs that get listed on the GNU
java page.

This seems to be historical, I think the GNU project initially
thought of Java as a usefull, script like language and not a practical
language for code in the GNU project. I don't think any of us think
like that anymore.

>I am definitely willing to work together with the 
>gnu-java people whenever we receive an offer 
>of a Java package, and I think it makes sense 
>we stay communicated so you get any updates 
>to the outline for reviews.
>What do you think?

I think that would be the right thing to do. The gnu-java evaluation
system seems to have been set up before rms formalized the overall
evaluation system and it seems that gnu-java is now out of step.

Personally, I see no reason why there is a different team doing java
eval. It should be the same people evaluating projects shouldn't it?
The eval team needs to have people with a range of skills including
some who understand where java fits into the current GNU project.

I think that the eval team should perhaps select 2 or 3 people from
different GNU java projects and put them on the eval team. As GNU java
projects generate more interest people might consider performing the
task in rotation.

>Should we create a new mailing list specifically for 
>new java packages, where somebody from gnu-java 
>and somebody from gnueval will be subscribed?

I think it would be better to integrate java into the current system.
Why should it be treated differently from any other non-C., non-Scheme

I do think that there's a good reason for the GNU java projects to
pull together and maintain a strong web presence (as discussed in my
original mail) and perhaps have a list for discussing policies about
java (for example, what the build system should be).

>> Packages that were not accepted for GNU could still 
>> be listed (note: this should get even easier when the 
>> "free-software" savannah comes on line).

>They could be listed in the Free Software Directory.

Indeed. But that's perhaps not as simple as listing them, free form,
on a webpage. Although when it is easy to add entries to the directory
I'd be happy to do that.


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