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darwin / OS X support - revisited

From: David Bélanger
Subject: darwin / OS X support - revisited
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 03:33:52 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


Chris Hoffmann from the JikesRVM team sent a patch some time ago for
Mac OS X support.

I adapted his work to suit more the target native framework.

Basically, what I did is:
1) Copy the Linux target directory to a Darwin directory.  (Darwin is
the name of the Unix system under Mac OS X).
2) Modified to use it.

Note: The diff between Darwin and Linux are quite small, basically 2
lines but I still added a arch.

Note: I am not a Darwin/OS X expert by the way.

>From the original patch:

+#if (defined( __BIG_ENDIAN__) && defined( __APPLE__ ))
+#define __IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN

I did not use that.  I simply set CPPFLAGS as -D__PPC__ -D_BIG_ENDIAN
when compiling and leave that file untouched.  It may be tempting to add
a __APPLE__ beside the __AIX__, but __PPC__ is not defined by gcc and
we still need the CPPFLAGS anyway.  Unless we do a completely separte #ifdef
__APPLE__... not under the #ifdef __PPC__.

-  INIT_FIELD ("in", 0);
-  INIT_FIELD ("out", 1);
-  INIT_FIELD ("err", 2);
+  INIT_FIELD ("in", ((long long)0));
+  INIT_FIELD ("out", ((long long)1));
+  INIT_FIELD ("err", ((long long)2));

I did not do that part either.  Seem to work fine.

+#ifndef O_SYNC

Here the problem is that O_FSYNC is be defined in fcntl.h.
However, fcntl.h is not included for the constant in the generic file.
On Linux works fine,
OS X don't like it.  So either the Linux fcntl.h gets included
by some other include etc.  Would need investigation.

What I did, is to add a #include in the Darwin specific target file.

Finally, for:
+#ifdef __MACH__
+typedef int    socklen_t;       

I simply added it (without the #ifdef) to the network target specific

SableVM developer


David Bélanger
Graduate Student
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Office: MC226

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