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Re: Bug? - japitools - Dropped protected method not detected

From: Stuart Ballard
Subject: Re: Bug? - japitools - Dropped protected method not detected
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 10:12:43 -0400
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Peter Connolly wrote:
When I delete a protected method from a new version of a jar and compare
the old vs. the new using japitools, the report does not flag the fact
that the method is missing.

According to the list of illegal changes between jar files:

- ILLEGAL: deleting public/protected methods this should have been reported, right???

Try using zgrep (or gunzip and grep separately) for the name of the method you dropped, in each of the two japi files. If it's correctly present in the first one and correctly NOT present in the second, then there's a problem in japicompat; otherwise, there's a problem in Japize.

Unfortunately I don't have much (any, really) time to maintain japitools these days. I'm more than willing to help track down the problem and to apply a patch to fix it, but unless it's really simple and obvious, I probably don't have time to write the patch myself.

Oh, and as far as finalize() is concerned: That's not an incompatible change, the method is always present in the superclass because it's inherited from java.lang.Object. Japitools (and Sun) don't require that the method be implemented at the same level of the inheritance hierarchy in subsequent versions, just that it's present somewhere in the superclass chain. Perhaps the same thing is happening with the other method you removed?

The reason we're so suspicious is that we NEED tools like JApiTools to
help us recognize when developers here are committing incompatible
changes.  We're not as interested in comparing different versions of JDK
as we are in comparing changes within our own .jar files.

I'd be really interested in having some help maintaining japitools. If you're using it on a regular basis, would you consider helping to maintain it? It's obviously not much work except for when something breaks - and even only doing a very small amount is an improvement on what I've been able to do lately :)

Since the last release I've had various reports of incorrect behavior that I've not been able to find time to track down. Michael Koch was doing some work on false-positive supression but I haven't heard from him lately; I never saw the unfinished patches (and certainly wouldn't have had time myself to finish them).

If you (or anyone else) is interested in helping to maintain japitools, I'd be happy to set up a project on Gna! (or Savannah if they'd only start accepting new projects) to coordinate the maintenance.

Thanks for your interest in japitools :)


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
NetReach, Inc.
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

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