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Re: [tex-live] tlmgr invokes cc on OS X

From: Maxwell, Adam R
Subject: Re: [tex-live] tlmgr invokes cc on OS X
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 14:40:34 -0800

Karl et al.,

The background on this config.guess issue is here:

I'll let Mojca talk about the 64-bit issue if she wants. I'll note that
as of Mac OS X 10.7, support for 32-bit processors has been dropped, so
we're guaranteed a x86_64 kernel (although the compiler can still
generate 32-bit binaries).

On Nov 5, 2013, at 14:14, Karl Berry <address@hidden> wrote:

> So, to state the obvious, please write address@hidden and cc me,
> explaining the problem with the compiler situation.  Please also suggest
> what should be done, since I doubt he will know off the top of his head.
> Preferably also provide an actual patch that works for you.

The issue is that invoking cc on Mac OS X 10.9 causes a graphical alert
to be displayed, which tells the user to install Xcode (dev tools). This
is unexpected for many MacTeX users.

Under normal conditions for config.guess usage (i.e., compiling software
as part of autoconf) this is probably desirable and even convenient. The
only workaround I see would be to avoid using cc entirely on OS X 10.9
and presumably later versions.


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