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Re: $cons{LIBS} and dependencies

From: Doug Alcorn
Subject: Re: $cons{LIBS} and dependencies
Date: 29 Apr 2001 13:01:10 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)

Steven Knight <address@hidden> writes:

> > $EXPORT = "$SERVERDIR/export";
> > ${$CONS}{LIBPATH} .= "$EXPORT/libs";
> Um... Cons also assumes that you don't have typos in your specification
> of LIBPATH... :-)  Since all of your libraries below are in the
> "$EXPORT/lib" directory, you might want to remove the 's' from "libs" in
> the line above.


>       $CONS->clone(
>               LIBPATH => $CONS->{LIBPATH} . "$EXPORTS/libs",
>               LIBS => $CONS->{LIBS} . "-lfoo -lbar -lbaz",
>               CPPPATH => address@hidden>{CPPPATH}}, "#foodir", "#bardir", 
> "#bazdir"],
>       );

I would need to assign this to something like this, wouldn't I:

$CLONEDCONS = $CONS->clone(.....);

Or does the clone method use the same environment so I can just keep
on using $CONS?
(__) Doug Alcorn <address@hidden> chat:address@hidden|aol
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