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Re: Microsoft and IDE builds

From: Doug Alcorn
Subject: Re: Microsoft and IDE builds
Date: 05 Sep 2001 11:46:14 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Academic Rigor)

"Greg Spencer" <address@hidden> writes:

> Internally, MS considers VC++ to be a toy (iow: not for large,
> complicated projects), and they have their own home-rolled build system
> (based on an internal version of nmake) which they use for all their
> large projects (Office products, etc).

Too bad we can't get more concrete documentation for this.  We use it
here for a project that's about 500K lines of code.  I've already done
all the Constructs/Conscripts for the unix builds.  I'd like to see
them switch over to cons for the Windows side too.
 (__) Doug Alcorn (mailto:address@hidden
 oo / PGP 02B3 1E26 BCF2 9AAF 93F1  61D7 450C B264 3E63 D543
 |_/  If you're a capitalist and you have the best goods and they're
      free, you don't have to proselytize, you just have to wait. 

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