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Re: Possible error in dependency checking a lots of other points

From: Brad Garcia
Subject: Re: Possible error in dependency checking a lots of other points
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:55:04 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Steven Knight wrote:

> > *** extension
> >       Could we have a default extension for the Construct and
> > conscript files so one could get a fancy icon under Win32 and The
> > possibility to click it to jump in an editor with perl support.
> That'd be pretty cool.  I'd be willing to integrate a change that would
> looks for as well as Construct.
> In the Windows world, how do you go about picking a suffix that you know
> doesn't conflict with a suffix some other application is using?

How about (drumroll please...)

.pl ?

> Tell you what, I'll look at something like this if you stop putting
> more than 80 characters on a line.  Oh, wait, you apparently don't like
> having to accomodate "UNIX cave man..."

Uh oh.  You got Steven mad now.  ;^)

(but I'll second the 80-column rule.  I still work from text terminals
 on occasion).

> >     The rule is simple and it works: ^\t*[^\t]*$
> >     -set the tab size, you like, in your editor
> >     -use only tabs for alignement before the firs non-space character
> >     -after the firs non-space charater use only spaces to align

Ah.... no.

> You can't solve this problem by trying to pretend that an 8-space stop
> isn't the norm.


The standard is that tab size is 8 characters.
But I do NOT want my code lines indented by 8 characters!

I'm ok with either using all spaces, or with assuming 8 character tabs.
And code should be indented by 4 spaces for each level (well, cons itself
should be, since it already is this way).

You probably need to get a new text editor, Nadim.
Us Unix cavemen use editors that can deal with sub-tab indents. :^)

Brad Garcia

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