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Construct(ing) Construct(s)

From: Nadim Khemir
Subject: Construct(ing) Construct(s)
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:02:41 +0100

Hi, Cons is running fine now.

2 simple questions today.

1/ I really like the Repository facility (that's why I change to cons) and I
am trying to find a nice way to use the repository and our Versionning
system together (SSafe right now). To me Version control is a developer tool
first and I even allow checking in code that does not compile as that code
is local to the developer. Only label like stable_dev_xxx should be, well,
stable. I wonder if some one is using a VCS that has repository facility and
how it does integrate with cons Repositories.

Is someone using subversion? How is it?

2/ I have this architecture:

D: top_projects
│   construct.cons
├───core **** this is my repository *****
│   │   construct.cons
│   │
│   ├───build
│   │   ├───bin
│   │     * things are build here for core
│   │
│   └───source
│       ├───lib0
│       │       conscript.cons
│       │       .....
│       │
│       ├───lib1
│       │       conscript.cons
│       │       ...
│       │
│       └───main
│               conscript.cons
│               ...
│   │   construct.cons
│   │
│   │
│   └───source
│       └───lib0
│               conscript.cons
│               ...
    │   construct.cons
        │       conscript.cons
        │       ....

All the projects under top_projects directories are dependant on "core", the

What I would like is, from the top directory, build the repository and build
all the other projects. I tried this:

Conscript_chdir 1 ; # I tried with and without this line
        , "#loki/construct.cons"
        , "#loki2/construct.cons"
        , "#loki3/construct.cons"

but I get the following error: error in file "core\source\main\conscript.cons":
        built (at least) two different ways:
                core\source\main\conscript.cons, line 3:  cons::Program
                core\source\main\conscript.cons, line 3:  cons::Program error in file "core\source\lib0\conscript.cons":
        built (at least) two different ways:
                core\source\lib0\conscript.cons, line 3:  cons::Library
                core\source\lib0\conscript.cons, line 3:  cons::Library error in file "core\source\lib1\conscript.cons":

Wondering if it was because of multiple constructs. I tried this:

Conscript_chdir 1 ;
Build("#core/construct.cons") ;


Conscript_chdir 1 ;
Build("D:/Program/cons-2.3.0/Phoenix/core/construct.cons") ;

That worked but the build directory is in "top_projects" not in "core"!

Another general question is: are Construct files equivalent to conscript


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