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Re: cons with c++

From: rick . croote
Subject: Re: cons with c++
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 14:31:48 -0800


Your welcome.  The organization would be one Construct file and many Conscript files.   Each Conscript is best thought of as containing the specific rules for an individual project, such as one .exe, .dll, or .lib.  The Construct would specify the global rules and environments and call each of the Conscript files, such that a Construct file organizes a group of related projects, that they themselves are likely to have interdependencies.

Rick Croote
Software Engineer
Environment and Tools Team
Philips Medical Systems
Bothell, WA
Phone: 425-487-7834

Daniel Graupner <address@hidden>

01/25/2005 02:23 PM

        To:        Rick Croote/ATL-BTL/MS/address@hidden
        cc:        address@hidden
        Subject:        Re: cons with c++


address@hidden schrieb:
> Yes, you never specified that Configuration.cpp was part of the project.
>  Cons does not magically go out and find source code to compile.  Try:

OK, I thought the dependency-check does this. But, of course, there is no hint to do this.

> Program $env 'Configuration', 'tConfiguration.cpp',
> '..\classes\Configuration.cpp';

OK, that expands (esp for larger prjects) the Construct-file.

Thanks for help,

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