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Re: [GNU/consensus] [SocialSwarm-D] Swarm and Consensus

From: Klaus Schleisiek
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] [SocialSwarm-D] Swarm and Consensus
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:33:00 +0200
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Am 10.09.2013 10:02, schrieb Leena Simon:
> I like the idea to join forces. This was the whole purpose of social swarm in 
> the beginning. I don't think it's necessary to dissolve completely into 
> another project though. 
> Hence I prefer the idea of keeping Social Swarm as the political/activist 
> wing, whereas the technicians join GNU for example.

I strongly suggest that we leave everything as it was before. People developed
their personal communication habits, either joining consesus or swarm or both
(as I did). Proposing any "change" will only disrupt the ongoing communication
and create confusion.

Honestly, I do not see that certain people concentrate on the political, others
on the technical aspects. Here is a group of technically oriented people with a
strong perception of the political aspects.

And besides - since I subscribed to both lists - this does not lead to any kind
of information overflow.

Therefore, I would appreciate if we could terminate this discussion and get back
to the issues. I am very glad that the network of people that subscribed to
socialswarm or consensus was able to hold a meeting on 24/25.8. in Berlin to
prepare the cluster of events at 30C3 to promote socialnet_3.0.

Please stay tuned, a description of what we would like to do at 30C3 will follow
Klaus Schleisiek

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