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Re: [GNU/consensus] [wiki] Call for Participation

From: carlo von lynX
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] [wiki] Call for Participation
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 11:35:07 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hej to hell!

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 01:25:11PM -0300, hellekin wrote:
> Topics we should address, in no particular order:
> - -    Blockchain-based systems

When there is a race involved, then there may be the problem
that certain governments have more computation power than all
of the participants combined, which can have drastic effects
on the blockchain.

When it is a messaging medium, then it is probably less
efficient than a multicast distribution tree, so it is only
interesting in situations when there is a need not to have
an "owner" of a distribution channel. Since most channels
are about distributing some person's stuff, and even political
channels need to have a moderator to function properly, I have
yet to encounter a use case.

> - -    Cryptography and Usability

We should get more stuff with the new paradigm out there, then
I think this issue will be considered dealt with. The problem
only exists with broken-internet tech like PGP, SSL and OTR.
It doesn't with SSH, for example.

> - -    Economy of Sociability

We need a law that impedes making money on the fact that people
socialize. If you want to make money, you have to sell actual
goods, like beer in a pub.

> - -    Funding Free Social Software
> - -    The GNU Name System
> - -    How To Choose Where To Contribute?
> - -    Indie Web / Linked Data

The indie web should have .onion addresses.
Other than that this isn't really a problem that needs
fixing. The web is broken, we can improve the browsers
and Tor, but the servers are not the problem. And the
fundamental idea behind the indie web that says that you
are free if you are exposing your privacy yourself rather
letting others do it for you, is fallacious.

> - -    Secushare API
> - -    Sexifying Free Software (Accessibility, Graphic Design,
> Usability, UX)
> - -    UnHosted Apps

I didn't comment the ones I fully agree upon.  ;)

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