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[Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/diff.c [signed-commits]

From: Derek Robert Price
Subject: [Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/diff.c [signed-commits]
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:46:43 -0400

Index: ccvs/src/diff.c
diff -u /dev/null ccvs/src/diff.c:
--- /dev/null   Wed Oct 12 02:46:43 2005
+++ ccvs/src/diff.c     Wed Oct 12 02:46:37 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1127 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1986-2005 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Derek Price, Ximbiot <>,
+ *                                  and others.
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1992, Brian Berliner and Jeff Polk
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1989-1992, Brian Berliner
+ * 
+ * You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * specified in the README file that comes with the CVS source distribution.
+ * 
+ * Difference
+ * 
+ * Run diff against versions in the repository.  Options that are specified are
+ * passed on directly to "rcsdiff".
+ * 
+ * Without any file arguments, runs diff against all the currently modified
+ * files.
+ */
+#include "cvs.h"
+enum diff_file
+static Dtype diff_dirproc (void *callerdat, const char *dir,
+                           const char *pos_repos, const char *update_dir,
+                           List *entries);
+static int diff_filesdoneproc (void *callerdat, int err,
+                               const char *repos, const char *update_dir,
+                               List *entries);
+static int diff_dirleaveproc (void *callerdat, const char *dir,
+                              int err, const char *update_dir,
+                              List *entries);
+static enum diff_file diff_file_nodiff (struct file_info *finfo, Vers_TS *vers,
+                                        enum diff_file, char **rev1_cache );
+static int diff_fileproc (void *callerdat, struct file_info *finfo);
+static void diff_mark_errors (int err);
+/* Global variables.  Would be cleaner if we just put this stuff in a
+   struct like log.c does.  */
+/* Command line tags, from -r option.  Points into argv.  */
+static char *diff_rev1, *diff_rev2;
+/* Command line dates, from -D option.  Malloc'd.  */
+static char *diff_date1, *diff_date2;
+static char *use_rev1, *use_rev2;
+static int have_rev1_label, have_rev2_label;
+/* Revision of the user file, if it is unchanged from something in the
+   repository and we want to use that fact.  */
+static char *user_file_rev;
+static char *options;
+static char **diff_argv;
+static int diff_argc;
+static size_t diff_arg_allocated;
+static int diff_errors;
+static int empty_files;
+static const char *const diff_usage[] =
+    "Usage: %s %s [-lR] [-k kopt] [format_options]\n",
+    "    [[-r rev1 | -D date1] [-r rev2 | -D date2]] [files...] \n",
+    "\t-l\tLocal directory only, not recursive\n",
+    "\t-R\tProcess directories recursively.\n",
+    "\t-k kopt\tSpecify keyword expansion mode.\n",
+    "\t-D d1\tDiff revision for date against working file.\n",
+    "\t-D d2\tDiff rev1/date1 against date2.\n",
+    "\t-r rev1\tDiff revision for rev1 against working file.\n",
+    "\t-r rev2\tDiff rev1/date1 against rev2.\n",
+    "\nformat_options:\n",
+    "  -i  --ignore-case  Consider upper- and lower-case to be the same.\n",
+    "  -w  --ignore-all-space  Ignore all white space.\n",
+    "  -b  --ignore-space-change  Ignore changes in the amount of white 
+    "  -B  --ignore-blank-lines  Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.\n",
+    "  -I RE  --ignore-matching-lines=RE  Ignore changes whose lines all match 
+    "  --binary  Read and write data in binary mode.\n",
+    "  -a  --text  Treat all files as text.\n\n",
+    "  -c  -C NUM  --context[=NUM]  Output NUM (default 2) lines of copied 
+    "  -u  -U NUM  --unified[=NUM]  Output NUM (default 2) lines of unified 
+    "    -NUM  Use NUM context lines.\n",
+    "    -L LABEL  --label LABEL  Use LABEL instead of file name.\n",
+    "    -p  --show-c-function  Show which C function each change is in.\n",
+    "    -F RE  --show-function-line=RE  Show the most recent line matching 
+    "  --brief  Output only whether files differ.\n",
+    "  -e  --ed  Output an ed script.\n",
+    "  -f  --forward-ed  Output something like an ed script in forward 
+    "  -n  --rcs  Output an RCS format diff.\n",
+    "  -y  --side-by-side  Output in two columns.\n",
+    "    -W NUM  --width=NUM  Output at most NUM (default 130) characters per 
+    "    --left-column  Output only the left column of common lines.\n",
+    "    --suppress-common-lines  Do not output common lines.\n",
+    "  --ifdef=NAME  Output merged file to show `#ifdef NAME' diffs.\n",
+    "  --GTYPE-group-format=GFMT  Similar, but format GTYPE input groups with 
+    "  --line-format=LFMT  Similar, but format all input lines with LFMT.\n",
+    "  --LTYPE-line-format=LFMT  Similar, but format LTYPE input lines with 
+    "    LTYPE is `old', `new', or `unchanged'.  GTYPE is LTYPE or 
+    "    GFMT may contain:\n",
+    "      %%<  lines from FILE1\n",
+    "      %%>  lines from FILE2\n",
+    "      %%=  lines common to FILE1 and FILE2\n",
+    "      %%[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}LETTER  printf-style spec for LETTER\n",
+    "        LETTERs are as follows for new group, lower case for old 
+    "          F  first line number\n",
+    "          L  last line number\n",
+    "          N  number of lines = L-F+1\n",
+    "          E  F-1\n",
+    "          M  L+1\n",
+    "    LFMT may contain:\n",
+    "      %%L  contents of line\n",
+    "      %%l  contents of line, excluding any trailing newline\n",
+    "      %%[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}n  printf-style spec for input line 
+    "    Either GFMT or LFMT may contain:\n",
+    "      %%%%  %%\n",
+    "      %%c'C'  the single character C\n",
+    "      %%c'\\OOO'  the character with octal code OOO\n\n",
+    "  -t  --expand-tabs  Expand tabs to spaces in output.\n",
+    "  -T  --initial-tab  Make tabs line up by prepending a tab.\n\n",
+    "  -N  --new-file  Treat absent files as empty.\n",
+    "  -s  --report-identical-files  Report when two files are the same.\n",
+    "  --horizon-lines=NUM  Keep NUM lines of the common prefix and suffix.\n",
+    "  -d  --minimal  Try hard to find a smaller set of changes.\n",
+    "  -H  --speed-large-files  Assume large files and many scattered small 
+    "\n(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)\n",
+    NULL
+/* I copied this array directly out of diff.c in diffutils 2.7, after
+   removing the following entries, none of which seem relevant to use
+   with CVS:
+     --help
+     --version (-v)
+     --recursive (-r)
+     --unidirectional-new-file (-P)
+     --starting-file (-S)
+     --exclude (-x)
+     --exclude-from (-X)
+     --sdiff-merge-assist
+     --paginate (-l)  (doesn't work with library callbacks)
+   I changed the options which take optional arguments (--context and
+   --unified) to return a number rather than a letter, so that the
+   optional argument could be handled more easily.  I changed the
+   --brief and --ifdef options to return numbers, since -q  and -D mean
+   something else to cvs diff.
+   The numbers 129- that appear in the fourth element of some entries
+   tell the big switch in `diff' how to process those options. -- Ian
+   The following options, which diff lists as "An alias, no longer
+   recommended" have been removed: --file-label --entire-new-file
+   --ascii --print.  */
+static struct option const longopts[] =
+    {"ignore-blank-lines", 0, 0, 'B'},
+    {"context", 2, 0, 143},
+    {"ifdef", 1, 0, 131},
+    {"show-function-line", 1, 0, 'F'},
+    {"speed-large-files", 0, 0, 'H'},
+    {"ignore-matching-lines", 1, 0, 'I'},
+    {"label", 1, 0, 'L'},
+    {"new-file", 0, 0, 'N'},
+    {"initial-tab", 0, 0, 'T'},
+    {"width", 1, 0, 'W'},
+    {"text", 0, 0, 'a'},
+    {"ignore-space-change", 0, 0, 'b'},
+    {"minimal", 0, 0, 'd'},
+    {"ed", 0, 0, 'e'},
+    {"forward-ed", 0, 0, 'f'},
+    {"ignore-case", 0, 0, 'i'},
+    {"rcs", 0, 0, 'n'},
+    {"show-c-function", 0, 0, 'p'},
+    /* This is a potentially very useful option, except the output is so
+       silly.  It would be much better for it to look like "cvs rdiff -s"
+       which displays all the same info, minus quite a few lines of
+       extraneous garbage.  */
+    {"brief", 0, 0, 145},
+    {"report-identical-files", 0, 0, 's'},
+    {"expand-tabs", 0, 0, 't'},
+    {"ignore-all-space", 0, 0, 'w'},
+    {"side-by-side", 0, 0, 'y'},
+    {"unified", 2, 0, 146},
+    {"left-column", 0, 0, 129},
+    {"suppress-common-lines", 0, 0, 130},
+    {"old-line-format", 1, 0, 132},
+    {"new-line-format", 1, 0, 133},
+    {"unchanged-line-format", 1, 0, 134},
+    {"line-format", 1, 0, 135},
+    {"old-group-format", 1, 0, 136},
+    {"new-group-format", 1, 0, 137},
+    {"unchanged-group-format", 1, 0, 138},
+    {"changed-group-format", 1, 0, 139},
+    {"horizon-lines", 1, 0, 140},
+    {"binary", 0, 0, 142},
+    {0, 0, 0, 0}
+/* Add one of OPT or LONGOPT, and ARGUMENT, when present, to global DIFF_ARGV.
+ *
+ *   opt               A character option representation.
+ *   longopt           A long option name.
+ *   argument          Optional option argument.
+ *   
+ *   diff_argc         The number of arguments in DIFF_ARGV.
+ *   diff_argv         Array of argument strings.
+ *   diff_arg_allocated        Allocated length of DIFF_ARGV.
+ *
+ *   Behavior when both OPT & LONGOPT are provided is undefined.
+ *
+ *   Nothing.
+ */
+static void
+add_diff_args (char opt, const char *longopt, const char *argument)
+    char *tmp;
+    /* Add opt or longopt to diff_arv.  */
+    assert (opt || (longopt && *longopt));
+    assert (!(opt && (longopt && *longopt)));
+    if (opt) tmp = Xasprintf ("-%c", opt);
+    else tmp = Xasprintf ("--%s", longopt);
+    run_add_arg_p (&diff_argc, &diff_arg_allocated, &diff_argv, tmp);
+    free (tmp);
+    /* When present, add ARGUMENT to DIFF_ARGV.  */
+    if (argument)
+       run_add_arg_p (&diff_argc, &diff_arg_allocated, &diff_argv, argument);
+/* CVS 1.9 and similar versions seemed to have pretty weird handling
+   of -y and -T.  In the cases where it called rcsdiff,
+   they would have the meanings mentioned below.  In the cases where it
+   called diff, they would have the meanings mentioned in "longopts".
+   Noone seems to have missed them, so I think the right thing to do is
+   just to remove the options altogether (which I have done).
+   In the case of -z and -q, "cvs diff" did not accept them even back
+   when we called rcsdiff (at least, it hasn't accepted them
+   recently).
+   In comparing rcsdiff to the new CVS implementation, I noticed that
+   the following rcsdiff flags are not handled by CVS diff:
+          -y: perform diff even when the requested revisions are the
+                  same revision number
+          -q: run quietly
+          -T: preserve modification time on the RCS file
+          -z: specify timezone for use in file labels
+   I think these are not really relevant.  -y is undocumented even in
+   RCS 5.7, and seems like a minor change at best.  According to RCS
+   documentation, -T only applies when a RCS file has been modified
+   because of lock changes; doesn't CVS sidestep RCS's entire lock
+   structure?  -z seems to be unsupported by CVS diff, and has a
+   different meaning as a global option anyway.  (Adding it could be
+   a feature, but if it is left out for now, it should not break
+   anything.)  For the purposes of producing output, CVS diff appears
+   mostly to ignore -q.  Maybe this should be fixed, but I think it's
+   a larger issue than the changes included here.  */
+diff (int argc, char **argv)
+    int c, err = 0;
+    int local = 0;
+    int which;
+    int option_index;
+    char *diff_orig1, *diff_orig2;
+    if (argc == -1)
+       usage (diff_usage);
+    have_rev1_label = have_rev2_label = 0;
+    /*
+     * Note that we catch all the valid arguments here, so that we can
+     * intercept the -r arguments for doing revision diffs; and -l/-R for a
+     * non-recursive/recursive diff.
+     */
+    /* Clean out our global variables (multiroot can call us multiple
+       times and the server can too, if the client sends several
+       diff commands).  */
+    run_arg_free_p (diff_argc, diff_argv);
+    diff_argc = 0;
+    diff_orig1 = NULL;
+    diff_orig2 = NULL;
+    diff_rev1 = NULL;
+    diff_rev2 = NULL;
+    diff_date1 = NULL;
+    diff_date2 = NULL;
+    optind = 0;
+    /* FIXME: This should really be allocating an argv to be passed to diff
+     * later rather than strcatting onto the opts variable.  We have some
+     * handling routines that can already handle most of the argc/argv
+     * maintenance for us and currently, if anyone were to attempt to pass a
+     * quoted string in here, it would be split on spaces and tabs on its way
+     * to diff.
+     */
+    while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
+              "+abcdefhilnpstuwy0123456789BHNRTC:D:F:I:L:U:W:k:r:",
+                            longopts, &option_index)) != -1)
+    {
+       switch (c)
+       {
+           case 'y':
+               add_diff_args (0, "side-by-side", NULL);
+               break;
+           case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
+           case 'h': case 'i': case 'n': case 'p': case 's': case 't':
+           case 'u': case 'w':
+            case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
+            case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+           case 'B': case 'H': case 'T':
+               add_diff_args (c, NULL, NULL);
+               break;
+           case 'L':
+               if (have_rev1_label++)
+                   if (have_rev2_label++)
+                   {
+                       error (0, 0, "extra -L arguments ignored");
+                       break;
+                   }
+               /* Fall through.  */
+           case 'C': case 'F': case 'I': case 'U': case 'W':
+               add_diff_args (c, NULL, optarg);
+               break;
+           case 129: case 130: case 131: case 132: case 133: case 134:
+           case 135: case 136: case 137: case 138: case 139: case 140:
+           case 141: case 142: case 143: case 145: case 146:
+               add_diff_args (0, longopts[option_index].name,
+                             longopts[option_index].has_arg ? optarg : NULL);
+               break;
+           case 'R':
+               local = 0;
+               break;
+           case 'l':
+               local = 1;
+               break;
+           case 'k':
+               if (options)
+                   free (options);
+               options = RCS_check_kflag (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 'r':
+               if (diff_rev2 || diff_date2)
+                   error (1, 0,
+                      "no more than two revisions/dates can be specified");
+               if (diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+               {
+                   diff_orig2 = xstrdup (optarg);
+                   parse_tagdate (&diff_rev2, &diff_date2, optarg);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   diff_orig1 = xstrdup (optarg);
+                   parse_tagdate (&diff_rev1, &diff_date1, optarg);
+               }
+               break;
+           case 'D':
+               if (diff_rev2 || diff_date2)
+                   error (1, 0,
+                      "no more than two revisions/dates can be specified");
+               if (diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+                   diff_date2 = Make_Date (optarg);
+               else
+                   diff_date1 = Make_Date (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 'N':
+               empty_files = 1;
+               break;
+           case '?':
+           default:
+               usage (diff_usage);
+               break;
+       }
+    }
+    argc -= optind;
+    argv += optind;
+    /* make sure options is non-null */
+    if (!options)
+       options = xstrdup ("");
+    if (current_parsed_root->isremote) {
+       /* We're the client side.  Fire up the remote server.  */
+       start_server ();
+       ign_setup ();
+       if (local)
+           send_arg("-l");
+       if (empty_files)
+           send_arg("-N");
+       send_options (diff_argc, diff_argv);
+       if (options[0] != '\0')
+           send_arg (options);
+       if (diff_orig1)
+           option_with_arg ("-r", diff_orig1);
+       else if (diff_date1)
+           client_senddate (diff_date1);
+       if (diff_orig2)
+           option_with_arg ("-r", diff_orig2);
+       else if (diff_date2)
+           client_senddate (diff_date2);
+       send_arg ("--");
+       /* Send the current files unless diffing two revs from the archive */
+       send_files (argc, argv, local, 0,
+                   (diff_rev2 || diff_date2) ? SEND_NO_CONTENTS : 0,
+                   SIGN_NEVER, NULL, NULL);
+       send_file_names (argc, argv, SEND_EXPAND_WILD);
+       send_to_server ("diff\012", 0);
+        err = get_responses_and_close ();
+       free (options);
+       options = NULL;
+       return err;
+    }
+    if (diff_rev1 != NULL)
+       tag_check_valid (diff_rev1, argc, argv, local, 0, "", false);
+    if (diff_rev2 != NULL)
+       tag_check_valid (diff_rev2, argc, argv, local, 0, "", false);
+    which = W_LOCAL;
+    if (diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+       which |= W_REPOS | W_ATTIC;
+    wrap_setup ();
+    /* start the recursion processor */
+    err = start_recursion (diff_fileproc, diff_filesdoneproc, diff_dirproc,
+                           diff_dirleaveproc, NULL, argc, argv, local,
+                           which, 0, CVS_LOCK_READ, NULL, 1, NULL);
+    /* clean up */
+    free (options);
+    options = NULL;
+    if (diff_date1 != NULL)
+       free (diff_date1);
+    if (diff_date2 != NULL)
+       free (diff_date2);
+    return err;
+ * Do a file diff
+ */
+static int
+diff_fileproc (void *callerdat, struct file_info *finfo)
+    int status, err = 2;               /* 2 == trouble, like rcsdiff */
+    Vers_TS *vers;
+    enum diff_file empty_file = DIFF_DIFFERENT;
+    char *tmp = NULL;
+    char *tocvsPath = NULL;
+    char *fname = NULL;
+    char *label1;
+    char *label2;
+    char *rev1_cache = NULL;
+    user_file_rev = 0;
+    vers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0);
+    if (diff_rev2 || diff_date2)
+    {
+       /* Skip all the following checks regarding the user file; we're
+          not using it.  */
+    }
+    else if (vers->vn_user == NULL)
+    {
+       /* The file does not exist in the working directory.  */
+       if ((diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+           && vers->srcfile != NULL)
+       {
+           /* The file does exist in the repository.  */
+           if (empty_files)
+               empty_file = DIFF_REMOVED;
+           else
+           {
+               int exists;
+               exists = 0;
+               /* special handling for TAG_HEAD */
+               if (diff_rev1 && strcmp (diff_rev1, TAG_HEAD) == 0)
+               {
+                   char *head =
+                       (vers->vn_rcs == NULL
+                        ? NULL
+                        : RCS_branch_head (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs));
+                   exists = head != NULL && !RCS_isdead (vers->srcfile, head);
+                   if (head != NULL)
+                       free (head);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   Vers_TS *xvers;
+                   xvers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, diff_rev1, diff_date1,
+                                       1, 0);
+                   exists = xvers->vn_rcs && !RCS_isdead (xvers->srcfile,
+                                                          xvers->vn_rcs);
+                   freevers_ts (&xvers);
+               }
+               if (exists)
+                   error (0, 0,
+                          "%s no longer exists, no comparison available",
+                          finfo->fullname);
+               goto out;
+           }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           error (0, 0, "I know nothing about %s", finfo->fullname);
+           goto out;
+       }
+    }
+    else if (vers->vn_user[0] == '0' && vers->vn_user[1] == '\0')
+    {
+       /* The file was added locally.  */
+       int exists = 0;
+       if (vers->srcfile != NULL)
+       {
+           /* The file does exist in the repository.  */
+           if (diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+           {
+               /* special handling for TAG_HEAD */
+               if (diff_rev1 && strcmp (diff_rev1, TAG_HEAD) == 0)
+               {
+                   char *head =
+                       (vers->vn_rcs == NULL
+                        ? NULL
+                        : RCS_branch_head (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs));
+                   exists = head && !RCS_isdead (vers->srcfile, head);
+                   if (head != NULL)
+                       free (head);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   Vers_TS *xvers;
+                   xvers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, diff_rev1, diff_date1,
+                                       1, 0);
+                   exists = xvers->vn_rcs
+                            && !RCS_isdead (xvers->srcfile, xvers->vn_rcs);
+                   freevers_ts (&xvers);
+               }
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               /* The file was added locally, but an RCS archive exists.  Our
+                * base revision must be dead.
+                */
+               /* No need to set, exists = 0, here.  That's the default.  */
+           }
+       }
+       if (!exists)
+       {
+           /* If we got here, then either the RCS archive does not exist or
+            * the relevant revision is dead.
+            */
+           if (empty_files)
+               empty_file = DIFF_ADDED;
+           else
+           {
+               error (0, 0, "%s is a new entry, no comparison available",
+                      finfo->fullname);
+               goto out;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    else if (vers->vn_user[0] == '-')
+    {
+       if (empty_files)
+           empty_file = DIFF_REMOVED;
+       else
+       {
+           error (0, 0, "%s was removed, no comparison available",
+                  finfo->fullname);
+           goto out;
+       }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       if (!vers->vn_rcs && !vers->srcfile)
+       {
+           error (0, 0, "cannot find revision control file for %s",
+                  finfo->fullname);
+           goto out;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           if (vers->ts_user == NULL)
+           {
+               error (0, 0, "cannot find %s", finfo->fullname);
+               goto out;
+           }
+           else if (!strcmp (vers->ts_user, vers->ts_rcs)) 
+           {
+               /* The user file matches some revision in the repository
+                  Diff against the repository (for remote CVS, we might not
+                  have a copy of the user file around).  */
+               user_file_rev = vers->vn_user;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    empty_file = diff_file_nodiff (finfo, vers, empty_file, &rev1_cache);
+    if (empty_file == DIFF_SAME)
+    {
+       /* In the server case, would be nice to send a "Checked-in"
+          response, so that the client can rewrite its timestamp.
+          server_checked_in by itself isn't the right thing (it
+          needs a server_register), but I'm not sure what is.
+          It isn't clear to me how "cvs status" handles this (that
+          is, for a client which sends Modified not Is-modified to
+          "cvs status"), but it does.  */
+       err = 0;
+       goto out;
+    }
+    else if (empty_file == DIFF_ERROR)
+       goto out;
+    /* Output an "Index:" line for patch to use */
+    cvs_output ("Index: ", 0);
+    cvs_output (finfo->fullname, 0);
+    cvs_output ("\n", 1);
+    tocvsPath = wrap_tocvs_process_file (finfo->file);
+    if (tocvsPath)
+    {
+       /* Backup the current version of the file to CVS/,,filename */
+       fname = Xasprintf (fname, "%s/%s%s", CVSADM, CVSPREFIX, finfo->file);
+       if (unlink_file_dir (fname) < 0)
+           if (!existence_error (errno))
+               error (1, errno, "cannot remove %s", fname);
+       rename_file (finfo->file, fname);
+       /* Copy the wrapped file to the current directory then go to work */
+       copy_file (tocvsPath, finfo->file);
+    }
+    /* Set up file labels appropriate for compatibility with the Larry Wall
+     * implementation of patch if the user didn't specify.  This is irrelevant
+     * according to the POSIX.2 specification.
+     */
+    label1 = NULL;
+    label2 = NULL;
+    /* The user cannot set the rev2 label without first setting the rev1
+     * label.
+     */
+    if (!have_rev2_label)
+    {
+       if (empty_file == DIFF_REMOVED)
+           label2 = make_file_label (DEVNULL, NULL, NULL);
+       else
+           label2 = make_file_label (finfo->fullname, use_rev2,
+                                     vers->srcfile);
+       if (!have_rev1_label)
+       {
+           if (empty_file == DIFF_ADDED)
+               label1 = make_file_label (DEVNULL, NULL, NULL);
+           else
+               label1 = make_file_label (finfo->fullname, use_rev1,
+                                         vers->srcfile);
+       }
+    }
+    if (empty_file == DIFF_ADDED || empty_file == DIFF_REMOVED)
+    {
+       /* This is fullname, not file, possibly despite the POSIX.2
+        * specification, because that's the way all the Larry Wall
+        * implementations of patch (are there other implementations?) want
+        * things and the POSIX.2 spec appears to leave room for this.
+        */
+       cvs_output ("\
+RCS file: ", 0);
+       cvs_output (finfo->fullname, 0);
+       cvs_output ("\n", 1);
+       cvs_output ("diff -N ", 0);
+       cvs_output (finfo->fullname, 0);
+       cvs_output ("\n", 1);
+       if (empty_file == DIFF_ADDED)
+       {
+           if (use_rev2 == NULL)
+                status = diff_exec (DEVNULL, finfo->file, label1, label2,
+                                   diff_argc, diff_argv, RUN_TTY);
+           else
+           {
+               int retcode;
+               tmp = cvs_temp_name ();
+               retcode = RCS_checkout (vers->srcfile, NULL, use_rev2, NULL,
+                                       *options ? options : vers->options,
+                                       tmp, NULL, NULL);
+               if (retcode != 0)
+                   goto out;
+               status = diff_exec (DEVNULL, tmp, label1, label2,
+                                   diff_argc, diff_argv, RUN_TTY);
+           }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           int retcode;
+           tmp = cvs_temp_name ();
+           retcode = RCS_checkout (vers->srcfile, NULL, use_rev1, NULL,
+                                   *options ? options : vers->options,
+                                   tmp, NULL, NULL);
+           if (retcode != 0)
+               goto out;
+           status = diff_exec (tmp, DEVNULL, label1, label2,
+                               diff_argc, diff_argv, RUN_TTY);
+       }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       status = RCS_exec_rcsdiff (vers->srcfile, diff_argc, diff_argv,
+                                   *options ? options : vers->options,
+                                   use_rev1, rev1_cache, use_rev2,
+                                   label1, label2, finfo->file);
+    }
+    if (label1) free (label1);
+    if (label2) free (label2);
+    switch (status)
+    {
+       case -1:                        /* fork failed */
+           error (1, errno, "fork failed while diffing %s",
+                  vers->srcfile->path);
+       case 0:                         /* everything ok */
+           err = 0;
+           break;
+       default:                        /* other error */
+           err = status;
+           break;
+    }
+    if( tocvsPath != NULL )
+    {
+       if (unlink_file_dir (finfo->file) < 0)
+           if (! existence_error (errno))
+               error (1, errno, "cannot remove %s", finfo->file);
+       rename_file (fname, finfo->file);
+       if (unlink_file (tocvsPath) < 0)
+           error (1, errno, "cannot remove %s", tocvsPath);
+       free (fname);
+    }
+    /* Call CVS_UNLINK() rather than unlink_file() below to avoid the check
+     * for noexec.
+     */
+    if (tmp != NULL)
+    {
+       if (CVS_UNLINK (tmp) < 0)
+           error (0, errno, "cannot remove %s", tmp);
+       free (tmp);
+    }
+    if (rev1_cache != NULL)
+    {
+       if (CVS_UNLINK (rev1_cache) < 0)
+           error (0, errno, "cannot remove %s", rev1_cache);
+       free (rev1_cache);
+    }
+    freevers_ts (&vers);
+    diff_mark_errors (err);
+    return err;
+ * Remember the exit status for each file.
+ */
+static void
+diff_mark_errors (int err)
+    if (err > diff_errors)
+       diff_errors = err;
+ * Print a warm fuzzy message when we enter a dir
+ *
+ * Don't try to diff directories that don't exist! -- DW
+ */
+static Dtype
+diff_dirproc (void *callerdat, const char *dir, const char *pos_repos,
+              const char *update_dir, List *entries)
+    /* XXX - check for dirs we don't want to process??? */
+    /* YES ... for instance dirs that don't exist!!! -- DW */
+    if (!isdir (dir))
+       return R_SKIP_ALL;
+    if (!quiet)
+       error (0, 0, "Diffing %s", update_dir);
+    return R_PROCESS;
+ * Concoct the proper exit status - done with files
+ */
+static int
+diff_filesdoneproc (void *callerdat, int err, const char *repos,
+                    const char *update_dir, List *entries)
+    return diff_errors;
+ * Concoct the proper exit status - leaving directories
+ */
+static int
+diff_dirleaveproc (void *callerdat, const char *dir, int err,
+                   const char *update_dir, List *entries)
+    return diff_errors;
+ * verify that a file is different
+ *
+ *   finfo
+ *   vers
+ *   empty_file
+ *
+ *   rev1_cache                Cache the contents of rev1 if we look it up.
+ */
+static enum diff_file
+diff_file_nodiff (struct file_info *finfo, Vers_TS *vers,
+                  enum diff_file empty_file, char **rev1_cache)
+    Vers_TS *xvers;
+    int retcode;
+    TRACE (TRACE_FUNCTION, "diff_file_nodiff (%s, %d)",
+           finfo->fullname ? finfo->fullname : "(null)", empty_file);
+    /* free up any old use_rev* variables and reset 'em */
+    if (use_rev1)
+       free (use_rev1);
+    if (use_rev2)
+       free (use_rev2);
+    use_rev1 = use_rev2 = NULL;
+    if (diff_rev1 || diff_date1)
+    {
+       /* special handling for TAG_HEAD */
+       if (diff_rev1 && strcmp (diff_rev1, TAG_HEAD) == 0)
+       {
+           if (vers->vn_rcs != NULL && vers->srcfile != NULL)
+               use_rev1 = RCS_branch_head (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           xvers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, diff_rev1, diff_date1, 1, 0);
+           if (xvers->vn_rcs != NULL)
+               use_rev1 = xstrdup (xvers->vn_rcs);
+           freevers_ts (&xvers);
+       }
+    }
+    if (diff_rev2 || diff_date2)
+    {
+       /* special handling for TAG_HEAD */
+       if (diff_rev2 && strcmp (diff_rev2, TAG_HEAD) == 0)
+       {
+           if (vers->vn_rcs && vers->srcfile)
+               use_rev2 = RCS_branch_head (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           xvers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, diff_rev2, diff_date2, 1, 0);
+           if (xvers->vn_rcs != NULL)
+               use_rev2 = xstrdup (xvers->vn_rcs);
+           freevers_ts (&xvers);
+       }
+       if (use_rev1 == NULL || RCS_isdead (vers->srcfile, use_rev1))
+       {
+           /* The first revision does not exist.  If EMPTY_FILES is
+               true, treat this as an added file.  Otherwise, warn
+               about the missing tag.  */
+           if (use_rev2 == NULL || RCS_isdead (vers->srcfile, use_rev2))
+               /* At least in the case where DIFF_REV1 and DIFF_REV2
+                * are both numeric (and non-existant (NULL), as opposed to
+                * dead?), we should be returning some kind of error (see
+                * basicb-8a0 in testsuite).  The symbolic case may be more
+                * complicated.
+                */
+               return DIFF_SAME;
+           if (empty_files)
+               return DIFF_ADDED;
+           if (use_rev1 != NULL)
+           {
+               if (diff_rev1)
+               {
+                   error (0, 0,
+                      "Tag %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file 
+                      diff_rev1, finfo->fullname);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   error (0, 0,
+                      "Date %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file 
+                      diff_date1, finfo->fullname);
+               }
+               error (0, 0,
+                      "No comparison available.  Pass `-N' to `%s diff'?",
+                      program_name);
+           }
+           else if (diff_rev1)
+               error (0, 0, "tag %s is not in file %s", diff_rev1,
+                      finfo->fullname);
+           else
+               error (0, 0, "no revision for date %s in file %s",
+                      diff_date1, finfo->fullname);
+           return DIFF_ERROR;
+       }
+       assert( use_rev1 != NULL );
+       if( use_rev2 == NULL || RCS_isdead( vers->srcfile, use_rev2 ) )
+       {
+           /* The second revision does not exist.  If EMPTY_FILES is
+               true, treat this as a removed file.  Otherwise warn
+               about the missing tag.  */
+           if (empty_files)
+               return DIFF_REMOVED;
+           if( use_rev2 != NULL )
+           {
+               if (diff_rev2)
+               {
+                   error( 0, 0,
+                      "Tag %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file 
+                      diff_rev2, finfo->fullname );
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   error( 0, 0,
+                      "Date %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file 
+                      diff_date2, finfo->fullname );
+               }
+               error( 0, 0,
+                      "No comparison available.  Pass `-N' to `%s diff'?",
+                      program_name );
+           }
+           else if (diff_rev2)
+               error (0, 0, "tag %s is not in file %s", diff_rev2,
+                      finfo->fullname);
+           else
+               error (0, 0, "no revision for date %s in file %s",
+                      diff_date2, finfo->fullname);
+           return DIFF_ERROR;
+       }
+       /* Now, see if we really need to do the diff.  We can't assume that the
+        * files are different when the revs are.
+        */
+       assert( use_rev2 != NULL );
+       if( strcmp (use_rev1, use_rev2) == 0 )
+           return DIFF_SAME;
+       /* else fall through and do the diff */
+    }
+    /* If we had a r1/d1 & r2/d2, then at this point we must have a C3P0...
+     * err...  ok, then both rev1 & rev2 must have resolved to an existing,
+     * live version due to if statement we just closed.
+     */
+    assert (!(diff_rev2 || diff_date2) || (use_rev1 && use_rev2));
+    if ((diff_rev1 || diff_date1) &&
+       (use_rev1 == NULL || RCS_isdead (vers->srcfile, use_rev1)))
+    {
+       /* The first revision does not exist, and no second revision
+           was given.  */
+       if (empty_files)
+       {
+           if (empty_file == DIFF_REMOVED)
+               return DIFF_SAME;
+           if( user_file_rev && use_rev2 == NULL )
+               use_rev2 = xstrdup( user_file_rev );
+           return DIFF_ADDED;
+       }
+       if( use_rev1 != NULL )
+       {
+           if (diff_rev1)
+           {
+               error( 0, 0,
+                  "Tag %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file `%s'.",
+                  diff_rev1, finfo->fullname );
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               error( 0, 0,
+                  "Date %s refers to a dead (removed) revision in file `%s'.",
+                  diff_date1, finfo->fullname );
+           }
+           error( 0, 0,
+                  "No comparison available.  Pass `-N' to `%s diff'?",
+                  program_name );
+       }
+       else if ( diff_rev1 )
+           error( 0, 0, "tag %s is not in file %s", diff_rev1,
+                  finfo->fullname );
+       else
+           error( 0, 0, "no revision for date %s in file %s",
+                  diff_date1, finfo->fullname );
+       return DIFF_ERROR;
+    }
+    assert( !diff_rev1 || use_rev1 );
+    if (user_file_rev)
+    {
+        /* drop user_file_rev into first unused use_rev */
+        if (!use_rev1) 
+           use_rev1 = xstrdup (user_file_rev);
+       else if (!use_rev2)
+           use_rev2 = xstrdup (user_file_rev);
+       /* and if not, it wasn't needed anyhow */
+       user_file_rev = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Now, see if we really need to do the diff.  We can't assume that the
+     * files are different when the revs are.
+     */
+    if( use_rev1 && use_rev2) 
+    {
+       if (strcmp (use_rev1, use_rev2) == 0)
+           return DIFF_SAME;
+       /* Fall through and do the diff. */
+    }
+    /* Don't want to do the timestamp check with both use_rev1 & use_rev2 set.
+     * The timestamp check is just for the default case of diffing the
+     * workspace file against its base revision.
+     */
+    else if( use_rev1 == NULL
+             || ( vers->vn_user != NULL
+                  && strcmp( use_rev1, vers->vn_user ) == 0 ) )
+    {
+       if (empty_file == DIFF_DIFFERENT
+           && vers->ts_user != NULL
+           && strcmp (vers->ts_rcs, vers->ts_user) == 0
+           && (!(*options) || strcmp (options, vers->options) == 0))
+       {
+           return DIFF_SAME;
+       }
+       if (use_rev1 == NULL
+           && (vers->vn_user[0] != '0' || vers->vn_user[1] != '\0'))
+       {
+           if (vers->vn_user[0] == '-')
+               use_rev1 = xstrdup (vers->vn_user + 1);
+           else
+               use_rev1 = xstrdup (vers->vn_user);
+       }
+    }
+    /* If we already know that the file is being added or removed,
+       then we don't want to do an actual file comparison here.  */
+    if (empty_file != DIFF_DIFFERENT)
+       return empty_file;
+    /*
+     * Run a quick cmp to see if we should bother with a full diff.
+     */
+    retcode = RCS_cmp_file( vers->srcfile, use_rev1, rev1_cache,
+                            use_rev2, *options ? options : vers->options,
+                           finfo->file );
+    return retcode == 0 ? DIFF_SAME : DIFF_DIFFERENT;

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