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[Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/main.c [signed-commits]

From: Derek Robert Price
Subject: [Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/main.c [signed-commits]
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:46:49 -0400

Index: ccvs/src/main.c
diff -u /dev/null ccvs/src/main.c:
--- /dev/null   Wed Oct 12 02:46:49 2005
+++ ccvs/src/main.c     Wed Oct 12 02:46:37 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1478 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1986-2005 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Derek Price, Ximbiot <>,
+ *                                  and others.
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1992, Brian Berliner and Jeff Polk
+ * Portions Copyright (C) 1989-1992, Brian Berliner
+ *
+ * You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as specified in the README file that comes with the CVS source distribution.
+ *
+ * This is the main C driver for the CVS system.
+ *
+ * Credit to Dick Grune, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, for writing
+ * the shell-script CVS system that this is based on.
+ *
+ */
+#include "cvs.h"
+#include "closeout.h"
+#include "setenv.h"
+#include "strftime.h"
+#include "xgethostname.h"
+#include "sign.h"
+const char *program_name;
+const char *program_path;
+const char *cvs_cmd_name;
+const char *global_session_id; /* Random session ID */
+char *hostname;
+/* FIXME: Perhaps this should be renamed original_hostname or the like?  */
+char *server_hostname;
+int use_editor = 1;
+int use_cvsrc = 1;
+int cvswrite = !CVSREAD_DFLT;
+int really_quiet = 0;
+int quiet = 0;
+int trace = 0;
+int noexec = 0;
+int readonlyfs = 0;
+int logoff = 0;
+ ***
+ ***   CVSROOT/config options
+ ***
+ ***/
+struct config *config;
+mode_t cvsumask = UMASK_DFLT;
+char *CurDir;
+ * Defaults, for the environment variables that are not set
+ */
+char *Editor = EDITOR_DFLT;
+/* Temp dir stuff.  */
+/* Temp dir, if set by the user.  */
+static char *tmpdir_cmdline;
+/* Returns in order of precedence:
+ *
+ *     1.  Temp dir as set via the command line.
+ *     2.  Temp dir as set in CVSROOT/config.
+ *     3.  Temp dir as set in $TMPDIR env var.
+ *     4.  Contents of TMPDIR_DFLT preprocessor macro.
+ *
+ *  It is a fatal error if this function would otherwise return NULL or an
+ *  empty string.
+ */
+const char *
+get_cvs_tmp_dir (void)
+    const char *retval;
+    if (tmpdir_cmdline) retval = tmpdir_cmdline;
+    else if (config && config->TmpDir) retval = config->TmpDir;
+    else retval = get_system_temp_dir ();
+    if (!retval) retval = TMPDIR_DFLT;
+    if (!retval || !*retval) error (1, 0, "No temp dir specified.");
+    return retval;
+/* When our working directory contains subdirectories with different
+   values in CVS/Root files, we maintain a list of them.  */
+List *root_directories = NULL;
+static const struct cmd
+    const char *fullname;      /* Full name of the function (e.g. "commit") */
+    /* Synonyms for the command, nick1 and nick2.  We supply them
+       mostly for two reasons: (1) CVS has always supported them, and
+       we need to maintain compatibility, (2) if there is a need for a
+       version which is shorter than the fullname, for ease in typing.
+       Synonyms have the disadvantage that people will see "new" and
+       then have to think about it, or look it up, to realize that is
+       the operation they know as "add".  Also, this means that one
+       cannot create a command "cvs new" with a different meaning.  So
+       new synonyms are probably best used sparingly, and where used
+       should be abbreviations of the fullname (preferably consisting
+       of the first 2 or 3 or so letters).
+       One thing that some systems do is to recognize any unique
+       abbreviation, for example "annotat" "annota", etc., for
+       "annotate".  The problem with this is that scripts and user
+       habits will expect a certain abbreviation to be unique, and in
+       a future release of CVS it may not be.  So it is better to
+       accept only an explicit list of abbreviations and plan on
+       supporting them in the future as well as now.  */
+    const char *nick1;
+    const char *nick2;
+    int (*func) (int, char **);        /* Function takes (argc, argv) 
arguments. */
+    unsigned long attr;                /* Attributes. */
+} cmds[] =
+    { "add",      "ad",       "new",       add,       
+    { "admin",    "adm",      "rcs",       admin,     
+    { "annotate", "ann",      NULL,        annotate,  CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "checkout", "co",       "get",       checkout,  0 },
+    { "commit",   "ci",       "com",       commit,    
+    { "diff",     "di",       "dif",       diff,      CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "edit",     NULL,       NULL,        edit,      
+    { "editors",  NULL,       NULL,        editors,   CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "export",   "exp",      "ex",        checkout,  CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "history",  "hi",       "his",       history,   CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "import",   "im",       "imp",       import,    
+    { "init",     NULL,       NULL,        init,      
+#if defined (HAVE_KERBEROS) && defined (SERVER_SUPPORT)
+    { "kserver",  NULL,       NULL,        server,    
+    { "log",      "lo",       NULL,        cvslog,    CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "login",    "logon",    "lgn",       login,     0 },
+    { "logout",   NULL,       NULL,        logout,    0 },
+    { "ls",       "dir",      "list",      ls,        0 },
+#if (defined(AUTH_SERVER_SUPPORT) || defined (HAVE_GSSAPI)) && 
+    { "pserver",  NULL,       NULL,        server,    
+    { "rannotate","rann",     "ra",        annotate,  0 },
+    { "rdiff",    "patch",    "pa",        patch,     0 },
+    { "release",  "re",       "rel",       release,   
+    { "remove",   "rm",       "delete",    cvsremove, 
+    { "rlog",     "rl",       NULL,        cvslog,    0 },
+    { "rls",      "rdir",     "rlist",     ls,        0 },
+    { "rtag",     "rt",       "rfreeze",   cvstag,    
+    { "server",   NULL,       NULL,        server,    
+    { "status",   "st",       "stat",      cvsstatus, CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "tag",      "ta",       "freeze",    cvstag,    
+    { "unedit",   NULL,       NULL,        unedit,    
+    { "update",   "up",       "upd",       update,    CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { "version",  "ve",       "ver",       version,   0 },
+    { "watch",    NULL,       NULL,        watch,     
+    { "watchers", NULL,       NULL,        watchers,  CVS_CMD_USES_WORK_DIR },
+    { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 },
+static const char *const usg[] =
+    /* CVS usage messages never have followed the GNU convention of
+       putting metavariables in uppercase.  I don't know whether that
+       is a good convention or not, but if it changes it would have to
+       change in all the usage messages.  For now, they consistently
+       use lowercase, as far as I know.  Punctuation is pretty funky,
+       though.  Sometimes they use none, as here.  Sometimes they use
+       single quotes (not the TeX-ish `' stuff), as in --help-options.
+       Sometimes they use double quotes, as in cvs -H add.
+       Most (not all) of the usage messages seem to have periods at
+       the end of each line.  I haven't tried to duplicate this style
+       in --help as it is a rather different format from the rest.  */
+    "Usage: %s [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]\n",
+    "  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.\n",
+    "    (specify --help-options for a list of options)\n",
+    "  where command is add, admin, etc.\n",
+    "    (specify --help-commands for a list of commands\n",
+    "     or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)\n",
+    "  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command\n",
+    "    (specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)\n",
+    "  Specify --help to receive this message\n",
+    "\n",
+    /* Some people think that a bug-reporting address should go here.  IMHO,
+       the web sites are better because anything else is very likely to go
+       obsolete in the years between a release and when someone might be
+       reading this help.  Besides, we could never adequately discuss
+       bug reporting in a concise enough way to put in a help message.  */
+    /* I was going to put this at the top, but usage() wants the %s to
+       be in the first line.  */
+    "The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.\n",
+    /* I really don't think I want to try to define "version control"
+       in one line.  I'm not sure one can get more concise than the
+       paragraph in ../cvs.spec without assuming the reader knows what
+       version control means.  */
+    "For CVS updates and additional information, see\n",
+    "    the CVS home page at or\n",
+    "    the CVSNT home page at\n";,
+    NULL,
+static const char *const cmd_usage[] =
+    "CVS commands are:\n",
+    "        add          Add a new file/directory to the repository\n",
+    "        admin        Administration front end for rcs\n",
+    "        annotate     Show last revision where each line was modified\n",
+    "        checkout     Checkout sources for editing\n",
+    "        commit       Check files into the repository\n",
+    "        diff         Show differences between revisions\n",
+    "        edit         Get ready to edit a watched file\n",
+    "        editors      See who is editing a watched file\n",
+    "        export       Export sources from CVS, similar to checkout\n",
+    "        history      Show repository access history\n",
+    "        import       Import sources into CVS, using vendor branches\n",
+    "        init         Create a CVS repository if it doesn't exist\n",
+#if defined (HAVE_KERBEROS) && defined (SERVER_SUPPORT)
+    "        kserver      Kerberos server mode\n",
+    "        log          Print out history information for files\n",
+    "        login        Prompt for password for authenticating server\n",
+    "        logout       Removes entry in .cvspass for remote repository\n",
+    "        ls           List files available from CVS\n",
+#if (defined(AUTH_SERVER_SUPPORT) || defined (HAVE_GSSAPI)) && 
+    "        pserver      Password server mode\n",
+    "        rannotate    Show last revision where each line of module was 
+    "        rdiff        Create 'patch' format diffs between releases\n",
+    "        release      Indicate that a Module is no longer in use\n",
+    "        remove       Remove an entry from the repository\n",
+    "        rlog         Print out history information for a module\n",
+    "        rls          List files in a module\n",
+    "        rtag         Add a symbolic tag to a module\n",
+    "        server       Server mode\n",
+    "        status       Display status information on checked out files\n",
+    "        tag          Add a symbolic tag to checked out version of 
+    "        unedit       Undo an edit command\n",
+    "        update       Bring work tree in sync with repository\n",
+    "        version      Show current CVS version(s)\n",
+    "        watch        Set watches\n",
+    "        watchers     See who is watching a file\n",
+    "(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)\n",
+    NULL,
+static const char *const opt_usage[] =
+    /* Omit -b because it is just for compatibility.  */
+    "CVS global options (specified before the command name) are:\n",
+    "    -H           Displays usage information for command.\n",
+    "    -Q           Cause CVS to be really quiet.\n",
+    "    -q           Cause CVS to be somewhat quiet.\n",
+    "    -r           Make checked-out files read-only.\n",
+    "    -w           Make checked-out files read-write (default).\n",
+    "    -n           Do not execute anything that will change the disk.\n",
+    "    -t           Show trace of program execution (repeat for more\n",
+    "                 verbosity) -- try with -n.\n",
+    "    -R           Assume repository is read-only, such as CDROM\n",
+    "    -v           CVS version and copyright.\n",
+    "    -T tmpdir    Use 'tmpdir' for temporary files.\n",
+    "    -e editor    Use 'editor' for editing log information.\n",
+    "    -d CVS_root  Overrides $CVSROOT as the root of the CVS tree.\n",
+    "    -f           Do not use the ~/.cvsrc file.\n",
+    "    -z #         Request compression level '#' for net traffic.\n",
+    "    -x           Encrypt all net traffic.\n",
+    "    -a           Authenticate all net traffic.\n",
+    "    -s VAR=VAL   Set CVS user variable.\n",
+    "(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)\n",
+    NULL
+static int
+set_root_directory (Node *p, void *ignored)
+    if (current_parsed_root == NULL && p->data != NULL)
+    {
+       current_parsed_root = p->data;
+       original_parsed_root = current_parsed_root;
+       return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static const char * const*
+cmd_synonyms (void)
+    char ** synonyms;
+    char ** line;
+    const struct cmd *c = &cmds[0];
+    /* Three more for title, "specify --help" line, and NULL.  */
+    int numcmds = 3;
+    while (c->fullname != NULL)
+    {
+       numcmds++;
+       c++;
+    }
+    synonyms = xnmalloc (numcmds, sizeof(char *));
+    line = synonyms;
+    *line++ = "CVS command synonyms are:\n";
+    for (c = &cmds[0]; c->fullname != NULL; c++)
+    {
+       if (c->nick1 || c->nick2)
+       {
+           *line = Xasprintf ("        %-12s %s %s\n", c->fullname,
+                              c->nick1 ? c->nick1 : "",
+                              c->nick2 ? c->nick2 : "");
+           line++;
+       }
+    }
+    *line++ = "(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)\n";
+    *line = NULL;
+    return (const char * const*) synonyms; /* will never be freed */
+unsigned long int
+lookup_command_attribute (const char *cmd_name)
+    const struct cmd *cm;
+    for (cm = cmds; cm->fullname; cm++)
+    {
+       if (strcmp (cmd_name, cm->fullname) == 0)
+           break;
+    }
+    if (!cm->fullname)
+       error (1, 0, "unknown command: %s", cmd_name);
+    return cm->attr;
+ * Exit with an error code and an informative message about the signal
+ * received.  This function, by virtue of causing an actual call to exit(),
+ * causes all the atexit() handlers to be called.
+ *
+ *   sig       The signal recieved.
+ *
+ *   The cleanup routines registered via atexit() and the error function
+ *   itself can potentially change the exit status.  They shouldn't do this
+ *   unless they encounter problems doing their own jobs.
+ *
+ *   Nothing.  This function will always exit.  It should exit with an exit
+ *   status of 1, but might not, as noted in the ERRORS section above.
+ */
+static RETSIGTYPE main_cleanup (int) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
+#endif /* DONT_USE_SIGNALS */
+main_cleanup (int sig)
+    const char *name;
+    char temp[10];
+    switch (sig)
+    {
+#ifdef SIGABRT
+    case SIGABRT:
+       name = "abort";
+       break;
+#ifdef SIGHUP
+    case SIGHUP:
+       name = "hangup";
+       break;
+#ifdef SIGINT
+    case SIGINT:
+       name = "interrupt";
+       break;
+#ifdef SIGQUIT
+    case SIGQUIT:
+       name = "quit";
+       break;
+#ifdef SIGPIPE
+    case SIGPIPE:
+       name = "broken pipe";
+       break;
+#ifdef SIGTERM
+    case SIGTERM:
+       name = "termination";
+       break;
+    default:
+       /* This case should never be reached, because we list above all
+          the signals for which we actually establish a signal handler.  */
+       sprintf (temp, "%d", sig);
+       name = temp;
+       break;
+    }
+    /* This always exits, which will cause our exit handlers to be called.  */
+    error (1, 0, "received %s signal", name);
+    /* but make the exit explicit to silence warnings when gcc processes the
+     * noreturn attribute.
+     */
+    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+#endif /* !DONT_USE_SIGNALS */
+/* From server.c.
+ *
+ * When !defined ALLOW_CONFIG_OVERRIDE, this will never have any value but
+ * NULL.
+ */
+extern char *gConfigPath;
+enum {RANDOM_BYTES = 8};
+enum {COMMITID_RAW_SIZE = (sizeof(time_t) + RANDOM_BYTES)};
+static char const alphabet[62] =
+  "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+/* Divide BUF by D, returning the remainder.  Replace BUF by the
+   quotient.  BUF[0] is the most significant part of BUF.
+   D must not exceed UINT_MAX >> CHAR_BIT.  */
+static unsigned int
+divide_by (unsigned char buf[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE], unsigned int d)
+    unsigned int carry = 0;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < COMMITID_RAW_SIZE; i++)
+    {
+       unsigned int byte = buf[i];
+       unsigned int dividend = (carry << CHAR_BIT) + byte;
+       buf[i] = dividend / d;
+       carry = dividend % d;
+    }
+    return carry;
+static void
+convert (char const input[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE], char *output)
+    static char const zero[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE] = { 0, };
+    unsigned char buf[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE];
+    size_t o = 0;
+    memcpy (buf, input, COMMITID_RAW_SIZE);
+    while (memcmp (buf, zero, COMMITID_RAW_SIZE) != 0)
+       output[o++] = alphabet[divide_by (buf, sizeof alphabet)];
+    if (! o)
+       output[o++] = '0';
+    output[o] = '\0';
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+    cvsroot_t *CVSroot_parsed = NULL;
+    bool cvsroot_update_env = true;
+    char *cp, *end;
+    const struct cmd *cm;
+    int c, err = 0;
+    int free_Editor = 0;
+    int help = 0;              /* Has the user asked for help?  This
+                                  lets us support the `cvs -H cmd'
+                                  convention to give help for cmd. */
+    static const char short_options[] = "+QqrwtnRvb:T:e:d:Hfz:s:xa";
+    static struct option long_options[] =
+    {
+        {"help", 0, NULL, 'H'},
+        {"version", 0, NULL, 'v'},
+       {"help-commands", 0, NULL, 1},
+       {"help-synonyms", 0, NULL, 2},
+       {"help-options", 0, NULL, 4},
+       {"sign-textmode", required_argument, NULL, 5},
+       {"allow-root", required_argument, NULL, 3},
+#endif /* SERVER_SUPPORT */
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    /* `getopt_long' stores the option index here, but right now we
+        don't use it. */
+    int option_index = 0;
+    /* Hook for OS-specific behavior, for example socket subsystems on
+       NT and OS2 or dealing with windows and arguments on Mac.  */
+    SYSTEM_INITIALIZE (&argc, &argv);
+       /* Hook for OS-specific behavior, for example socket subsystems on
+          NT and OS2 or dealing with windows and arguments on Mac.  */
+       cleanup_register (SYSTEM_CLEANUP);
+#ifdef HAVE_TZSET
+    /* On systems that have tzset (which is almost all the ones I know
+       of), it's a good idea to call it.  */
+    tzset ();
+    /*
+     * Initialize globals.
+     */
+    /* Just save the last component of the path for error messages.  */
+    program_path = xstrdup (argv[0]);
+    /* On some systems, e.g. VMS, argv[0] is not the name of the command
+       which the user types to invoke the program.  */
+    program_name = "cvs";
+    program_name = last_component (argv[0]);
+    /*
+     * Query the environment variables up-front, so that
+     * they can be overridden by command line arguments
+     */
+    if ((cp = getenv (EDITOR1_ENV)) != NULL)
+       Editor = cp;
+    else if ((cp = getenv (EDITOR2_ENV)) != NULL)
+       Editor = cp;
+    else if ((cp = getenv (EDITOR3_ENV)) != NULL)
+       Editor = cp;
+    if (getenv (CVSREAD_ENV) != NULL)
+       cvswrite = 0;
+    if (getenv (CVSREADONLYFS_ENV) != NULL) {
+       readonlyfs = 1;
+       logoff = 1;
+    }
+    /* Set this to 0 to force getopt initialization.  getopt() sets
+       this to 1 internally.  */
+    optind = 0;
+    /* We have to parse the options twice because else there is no
+       chance to avoid reading the global options from ".cvsrc".  Set
+       opterr to 0 for avoiding error messages about invalid options.
+       */
+    opterr = 0;
+    while ((c = getopt_long
+            (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index))
+           != EOF)
+    {
+       if (c == 'f')
+           use_cvsrc = 0;
+    }
+    /* Don't try and read a .cvsrc file if we are a server.  */
+    if (optind < argc
+       && (false
+# if defined (AUTH_SERVER_SUPPORT) || defined (HAVE_GSSAPI)
+           || !strcmp (argv[optind], "pserver")
+# endif
+           || !strcmp (argv[optind], "kserver")
+# endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */
+           || !strcmp (argv[optind], "server")))
+       {
+           /* Avoid any .cvsrc file.  */
+           use_cvsrc = 0;
+           /* Pre-parse the server options to get the config path.  */
+           cvs_cmd_name = argv[optind];
+           parseServerOptions (argc - optind, argv + optind);
+       }
+#endif /* SERVER_SUPPORT */
+    /*
+     * Scan cvsrc file for global options.
+     */
+    if (use_cvsrc)
+       read_cvsrc (&argc, &argv, "cvs");
+    optind = 0;
+    opterr = 1;
+    while ((c = getopt_long
+            (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index))
+           != EOF)
+    {
+       switch (c)
+       {
+            case 1:
+               /* --help-commands */
+                usage (cmd_usage);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+               /* --help-synonyms */
+                usage (cmd_synonyms());
+                break;
+           case 4:
+               /* --help-options */
+               usage (opt_usage);
+               break;
+           case 5:
+               /* --sign-textmode */
+               if (sign_textmode) free (&sign_textmode);
+               sign_textmode = xstrdup (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 3:
+               /* --allow-root */
+               root_allow_add (optarg, gConfigPath);
+               break;
+#endif /* SERVER_SUPPORT */
+           case 'Q':
+               really_quiet = 1;
+               /* FALL THROUGH */
+           case 'q':
+               quiet = 1;
+               break;
+           case 'r':
+               cvswrite = 0;
+               break;
+           case 'w':
+               cvswrite = 1;
+               break;
+           case 't':
+               trace++;
+               break;
+           case 'R':
+               readonlyfs = -1;
+               logoff = 1;
+               break;
+           case 'n':
+               noexec = 1;
+               logoff = 1;
+               break;
+           case 'v':
+               (void) fputs ("\n", stdout);
+               version (0, NULL);    
+               (void) fputs ("\n", stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("\
+Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n\
+Senior active maintainers include Larry Jones, Derek R. Price,\n\
+and Mark D. Baushke.  Please see the AUTHORS and README files from the CVS\n\
+distribution kit for a complete list of contributors and copyrights.\n",
+                             stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("\n", stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("CVS may be copied only under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License,\n", stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("a copy of which can be found with the CVS 
distribution kit.\n", stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("\n", stdout);
+               (void) fputs ("Specify the --help option for further 
information about CVS\n", stdout);
+               exit (0);
+               break;
+           case 'b':
+               /* This option used to specify the directory for RCS
+                  executables.  But since we don't run them any more,
+                  this is a noop.  Silently ignore it so that .cvsrc
+                  and scripts and inetd.conf and such can work with
+                  either new or old CVS.  */
+               break;
+           case 'T':
+               if (tmpdir_cmdline) free (tmpdir_cmdline);
+               tmpdir_cmdline = xstrdup (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 'e':
+               if (free_Editor) free (Editor);
+               Editor = xstrdup (optarg);
+               free_Editor = 1;
+               break;
+           case 'd':
+               if (CVSroot_cmdline != NULL)
+                   free (CVSroot_cmdline);
+               CVSroot_cmdline = xstrdup (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 'H':
+               help = 1;
+               break;
+            case 'f':
+               use_cvsrc = 0; /* unnecessary, since we've done it above */
+               break;
+           case 'z':
+               gzip_level = strtol (optarg, &end, 10);
+               if (*end != '\0' || gzip_level < 0 || gzip_level > 9)
+                 error (1, 0,
+                        "gzip compression level must be between 0 and 9");
+#endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */
+               /* If no CLIENT_SUPPORT, we just silently ignore the gzip
+                * level, so that users can have it in their .cvsrc and not
+                * cause any trouble.
+                *
+                * We still parse the argument to -z for correctness since
+                * one user complained of being bitten by a run of
+                * `cvs -z -n up' which read -n as the argument to -z without
+                * complaining.  */
+               break;
+           case 's':
+               variable_set (optarg);
+               break;
+           case 'x':
+               cvsencrypt = 1;
+#endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */
+               /* If no CLIENT_SUPPORT, ignore -x, so that users can
+                   have it in their .cvsrc and not cause any trouble.
+                   If no ENCRYPTION, we still accept -x, but issue an
+                   error if we are being run as a client.  */
+               break;
+           case 'a':
+               cvsauthenticate = 1;
+               /* If no CLIENT_SUPPORT, ignore -a, so that users can
+                   have it in their .cvsrc and not cause any trouble.
+                   We will issue an error later if stream
+                   authentication is not supported.  */
+               break;
+           case '?':
+           default:
+                usage (usg);
+       }
+    }
+    argc -= optind;
+    argv += optind;
+    if (argc < 1)
+       usage (usg);
+    if (readonlyfs && !really_quiet) {
+       error (0, 0,
+              "WARNING: Read-only repository access mode selected via `cvs 
+Using this option to access a repository which some users write to may\n\
+cause intermittent sandbox corruption.");
+    }
+    /* Calculate the cvs global session ID */
+    {
+       char buf[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE] = { 0, };
+       char out[COMMITID_RAW_SIZE * 2];
+       ssize_t len = 0;
+       time_t rightnow = time (NULL);
+       char *startrand = buf + sizeof (time_t);
+       unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) startrand;
+       size_t randbytes = RANDOM_BYTES;
+       int flags = O_RDONLY;
+       int fd;
+#ifdef O_NOCTTY
+       flags |= O_NOCTTY;
+       if (rightnow != (time_t)-1)
+               while (rightnow > 0) {
+                   *--p = rightnow % (UCHAR_MAX + 1);
+                   rightnow /= UCHAR_MAX + 1;
+               }
+       else {
+           /* try to use more random data */
+           randbytes = COMMITID_RAW_SIZE;
+           startrand = buf;
+       }
+       fd = open ("/dev/urandom", flags);
+       if (fd >= 0) {
+           len = read (fd, startrand, randbytes);
+           close (fd);
+       }
+       if (len <= 0) {
+           /* no random data was available so use pid */
+           long int pid = (long int)getpid ();
+           p = (unsigned char *) (startrand + sizeof (pid));
+           while (pid > 0) {
+               *--p = pid % (UCHAR_MAX + 1);
+               pid /= UCHAR_MAX + 1;
+           }
+       }
+       convert(buf, out);
+       global_session_id = strdup (out);
+    }
+    TRACE (TRACE_FUNCTION, "main: Session ID is %s", global_session_id);
+    /* Look up the command name. */
+    cvs_cmd_name = argv[0];
+    for (cm = cmds; cm->fullname; cm++)
+    {
+       if (cm->nick1 && !strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, cm->nick1))
+           break;
+       if (cm->nick2 && !strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, cm->nick2))
+           break;
+       if (!strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, cm->fullname))
+           break;
+    }
+    if (!cm->fullname)
+    {
+       fprintf (stderr, "Unknown command: `%s'\n\n", cvs_cmd_name);
+       usage (cmd_usage);
+    }
+    else
+       cvs_cmd_name = cm->fullname;    /* Global pointer for later use */
+    if (help)
+    {
+       argc = -1;              /* some functions only check for this */
+       err = (*(cm->func)) (argc, argv);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       /* The user didn't ask for help, so go ahead and authenticate,
+           set up CVSROOT, and the rest of it. */
+       short int lock_cleanup_setup = 0;
+       /* The UMASK environment variable isn't handled with the
+          others above, since we don't want to signal errors if the
+          user has asked for help.  This won't work if somebody adds
+          a command-line flag to set the umask, since we'll have to
+          parse it before we get here. */
+       if ((cp = getenv (CVSUMASK_ENV)) != NULL)
+       {
+           /* FIXME: Should be accepting symbolic as well as numeric mask.  */
+           cvsumask = strtol (cp, &end, 8) & 0777;
+           if (*end != '\0')
+               error (1, errno, "invalid umask value in %s (%s)",
+                      CVSUMASK_ENV, cp);
+       }
+       /* HOSTNAME & SERVER_HOSTNAME need to be set before they are
+        * potentially used in gserver_authenticate_connection() (called from
+        * pserver_authenticate_connection, below).
+        */
+       hostname = xgethostname ();
+       if (!hostname)
+       {
+            error (0, errno,
+                   "xgethostname () returned NULL, using \"localhost\"");
+            hostname = xstrdup ("localhost");
+       }
+       /* Keep track of this separately since the client can change
+        * HOSTNAME on the server.
+        */
+       server_hostname = xstrdup (hostname);
+       /* If we are invoked with a single argument "kserver", then we are
+          running as Kerberos server as root.  Do the authentication as
+          the very first thing, to minimize the amount of time we are
+          running as root.  */
+       if (strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, "kserver") == 0)
+       {
+           kserver_authenticate_connection ();
+           /* Pretend we were invoked as a plain server.  */
+           cvs_cmd_name = "server";
+       }
+# endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */
+# if defined (AUTH_SERVER_SUPPORT) || defined (HAVE_GSSAPI)
+       if (strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, "pserver") == 0)
+       {
+           /* The reason that --allow-root is not a command option
+              is mainly that it seems easier to make it a global option.  */
+           /* Gets username and password from client, authenticates, then
+              switches to run as that user and sends an ACK back to the
+              client. */
+           pserver_authenticate_connection ();
+           /* Pretend we were invoked as a plain server.  */
+           cvs_cmd_name = "server";
+       }
+#endif /* SERVER_SUPPORT */
+       server_active = strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, "server") == 0;
+       if (server_active)
+       {
+           /* This is only used for writing into the history file.  For
+              remote connections, it might be nice to have hostname
+              and/or remote path, on the other hand I'm not sure whether
+              it is worth the trouble.  */
+           CurDir = xstrdup ("<remote>");
+           cleanup_register (server_cleanup);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           cleanup_register (close_stdout);
+           CurDir = xgetcwd ();
+            if (CurDir == NULL)
+               error (1, errno, "cannot get working directory");
+       }
+       {
+           char *val;
+           /* XXX pid < 10^32 */
+           val = Xasprintf ("%ld", (long) getpid ());
+           setenv (CVS_PID_ENV, val, 1);
+           free (val);
+       }
+       /* make sure we clean up on error */
+       signals_register (main_cleanup);
+       /* Probably the need for this will go away at some point once
+          we call fflush enough places (e.g. fflush (stdout) in
+          cvs_outerr).  */
+       (void) setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+       (void) setvbuf (stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+       if (use_cvsrc)
+           read_cvsrc (&argc, &argv, cvs_cmd_name);
+       /* Fiddling with CVSROOT doesn't make sense if we're running
+        * in server mode, since the client will send the repository
+        * directory after the connection is made.
+        */
+       if (!server_active)
+       {
+           /* First check if a root was set via the command line.  */
+           if (CVSroot_cmdline)
+           {
+                if (!(CVSroot_parsed = parse_cvsroot (CVSroot_cmdline)))
+                    error (1, 0, "Bad CVSROOT: `%s'.", CVSroot_cmdline);
+           }
+           /* See if we are able to find a 'better' value for CVSroot
+            * in the CVSADM_ROOT directory.
+            *
+            * "cvs import" shouldn't check CVS/Root; in general it
+            * ignores CVS directories and CVS/Root is likely to
+            * specify a different repository than the one we are
+            * importing to, but if this is not import and no root was
+            * specified on the command line, set the root from the
+            * CVS/Root file.
+            */
+           if (!CVSroot_parsed
+               && !(cm->attr & CVS_CMD_IGNORE_ADMROOT)
+              )
+               CVSroot_parsed = Name_Root (NULL, NULL);
+           /* Now, if there is no root on the command line and we didn't find
+            * one in a file, set it via the $CVSROOT env var.
+            */
+           if (!CVSroot_parsed)
+           {
+               char *tmp = getenv (CVSROOT_ENV);
+               if (tmp)
+               {
+                   if (!(CVSroot_parsed = parse_cvsroot (tmp)))
+                       error (1, 0, "Bad CVSROOT: `%s'.", tmp);
+                   cvsroot_update_env = false;
+               }
+           }
+           if (!CVSroot_parsed)
+           {
+               if (!(CVSroot_parsed = parse_cvsroot (CVSROOT_DFLT)))
+                   error (1, 0, "Bad CVSROOT: `%s'.", CVSROOT_DFLT);
+           }
+#endif /* CVSROOT_DFLT */
+           /* Now we've reconciled CVSROOT from the command line, the
+              CVS/Root file, and the environment variable.  Do the
+              last sanity checks on the variable. */
+           if (!CVSroot_parsed)
+           {
+               error (0, 0,
+                      "No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option");
+               error (1, 0,
+                      "or set the %s environment variable.", CVSROOT_ENV);
+           }
+       }
+       /* Here begins the big loop over unique cvsroot values.  We
+           need to call do_recursion once for each unique value found
+           in CVS/Root.  Prime the list with the current value. */
+       /* Create the list. */
+       assert (root_directories == NULL);
+       root_directories = getlist ();
+       /* Prime it. */
+       if (CVSroot_parsed)
+       {
+           Node *n;
+           n = getnode ();
+           n->type = NT_UNKNOWN;
+           n->key = xstrdup (CVSroot_parsed->original);
+           n->data = CVSroot_parsed;
+           if (addnode (root_directories, n))
+               error (1, 0, "cannot add initial CVSROOT %s", n->key);
+       }
+       assert (current_parsed_root == NULL);
+       /* If we're running the server, we want to execute this main
+          loop once and only once (we won't be serving multiple roots
+          from this connection, so there's no need to do it more than
+          once).  To get out of the loop, we perform a "break" at the
+          end of things.  */
+       while (server_active ||
+              walklist (root_directories, set_root_directory, NULL))
+       {
+           /* Fiddling with CVSROOT doesn't make sense if we're running
+              in server mode, since the client will send the repository
+              directory after the connection is made. */
+           if (!server_active)
+           {
+               /* Now we're 100% sure that we have a valid CVSROOT
+                  variable.  Parse it to see if we're supposed to do
+                  remote accesses or use a special access method. */
+               TRACE (TRACE_FUNCTION,
+                      "main loop with CVSROOT=%s",
+                      current_parsed_root ? current_parsed_root->directory
+                                          : "(null)");
+               /*
+                * Check to see if the repository exists.
+                */
+               if (!current_parsed_root->isremote)
+               {
+                   char *path;
+                   int save_errno;
+                   path = Xasprintf ("%s/%s", current_parsed_root->directory,
+                                     CVSROOTADM);
+                   if (!isaccessible (path, R_OK | X_OK))
+                   {
+                       save_errno = errno;
+                       /* If this is "cvs init", the root need not exist yet.
+                        */
+                       if (strcmp (cvs_cmd_name, "init"))
+                           error (1, save_errno, "%s", path);
+                   }
+                   free (path);
+               }
+               /* Update the CVSROOT environment variable.  */
+               if (cvsroot_update_env)
+                   setenv (CVSROOT_ENV, current_parsed_root->original, 1);
+           }
+           /* Parse the CVSROOT/config file, but only for local.  For the
+              server, we parse it after we know $CVSROOT.  For the
+              client, it doesn't get parsed at all, obviously.  The
+              presence of the parse_config call here is not meant to
+              predetermine whether CVSROOT/config overrides things from
+              read_cvsrc and other such places or vice versa.  That sort
+              of thing probably needs more thought.  */
+           if (!server_active && !current_parsed_root->isremote)
+           {
+               /* If there was an error parsing the config file, parse_config
+                  already printed an error.  We keep going.  Why?  Because
+                  if we didn't, then there would be no way to check in a new
+                  CVSROOT/config file to fix the broken one!  */
+               if (config) free_config (config);
+               config = parse_config (current_parsed_root->directory, NULL);
+               /* Can set TMPDIR in the environment if necessary now, since
+                * if it was set in config, we now know it.
+                */
+               push_env_temp_dir ();
+           }
+           /* Need to check for current_parsed_root != NULL here since
+            * we could still be in server mode before the server function
+            * gets called below and sets the root
+            */
+           if (current_parsed_root != NULL && current_parsed_root->isremote)
+           {
+               /* Create a new list for directory names that we've
+                  sent to the server. */
+               if (dirs_sent_to_server != NULL)
+                   dellist (&dirs_sent_to_server);
+               dirs_sent_to_server = getlist ();
+           }
+           if (
+               /* Don't worry about lock_cleanup_setup when the server is
+                * active since we can only go through this loop once in that
+                * case anyhow.
+                */
+               server_active ||
+               (
+                !current_parsed_root->isremote &&
+                !lock_cleanup_setup))
+           {
+               /* Set up to clean up any locks we might create on exit.  */
+               cleanup_register (Lock_Cleanup);
+               lock_cleanup_setup = 1;
+           }
+           /* Call our worker function.  */
+           err = (*(cm->func)) (argc, argv);
+           /* Mark this root directory as done.  When the server is
+               active, our list will be empty -- don't try and
+               remove it from the list. */
+           if (!server_active)
+           {
+               Node *n = findnode (root_directories,
+                                   original_parsed_root->original);
+               assert (n != NULL);
+               assert (n->data != NULL);
+               n->data = NULL;
+               current_parsed_root = NULL;
+           }
+           if (server_active)
+               break;
+       } /* end of loop for cvsroot values */
+       dellist (&root_directories);
+    } /* end of stuff that gets done if the user DOESN'T ask for help */
+    root_allow_free ();
+    /* This is exit rather than return because apparently that keeps
+       some tools which check for memory leaks happier.  */
+    exit (err ? EXIT_FAILURE : 0);
+       /* Keep picky/stupid compilers (e.g. Visual C++ 5.0) happy.  */
+       return 0;
+char *
+Make_Date (const char *rawdate)
+    struct timespec t;
+    if (!get_date (&t, rawdate, NULL))
+       error (1, 0, "Can't parse date/time: `%s'", rawdate);
+    /* Truncate nanoseconds.  */
+    return date_from_time_t (t.tv_sec);
+/* Parse a string of the form TAG[:DATE], where TAG could be the empty string.
+ *
+ *   input     The string to be parsed.
+ *
+ *   tag       The tag found, if any.  If TAG is the empty string, then leave
+ *             this value unchanged.
+ *   date      The date found, if any.  If DATE is the empty string or is
+ *             missing, leave this value unchanged.
+ *
+ *   If either TAG or DATE is replaced for output, the previous value is freed.
+ *
+ *   If either TAG or DATE cannot be parsed, then this function will exit with
+ *   a fatal error message.
+ *
+ *   Nothing.
+ */
+parse_tagdate (char **tag, char **date, const char *input)
+    char *p;
+    TRACE (TRACE_FUNCTION, "parse_tagdate (%s, %s, %s)",
+          *tag ? *tag : "(null)", *date ? *date : "(null)",
+          input);
+    if ((p = strchr (input, ':')))
+    {
+       /* Parse the tag.  */
+       if (p - input)
+       {
+           /* The tag has > 0 length.  */
+           if (*tag) free (*tag);
+           *tag = xmalloc (p - input + 1);
+           strncpy (*tag, input, p - input);
+           (*tag)[p - input] = '\0';
+       }
+       /* Parse the date.  */
+       if (*++p)
+       {
+           if (*date) free (*date);
+           *date = Make_Date (p);
+       }
+    }
+    else if (strlen (input))
+    {
+       /* The tag has > 0 length.  */
+       if (*tag) free (*tag);
+       *tag = xstrdup (input);
+    }
+    TRACE (TRACE_DATA, "parse_tagdate: got tag = `%s', date = `%s'",
+          *tag ? *tag : "(null)", *date ? *date : "(null)");
+/* Convert a time_t to an RCS format date.  This is mainly for the
+   use of "cvs history", because the CVSROOT/history file contains
+   time_t format dates; most parts of CVS will want to avoid using
+   time_t's directly, and instead use RCS_datecmp, Make_Date, &c.
+   Assuming that the time_t is in GMT (as it generally should be),
+   then the result will be in GMT too.
+   Returns a newly malloc'd string.  */
+char *
+date_from_time_t (time_t unixtime)
+    struct tm *ftm;
+    char date[MAXDATELEN];
+    char *ret;
+    ftm = gmtime (&unixtime);
+    if (ftm == NULL)
+       /* This is a system, like VMS, where the system clock is in local
+          time.  Hopefully using localtime here matches the "zero timezone"
+          hack I added to get_date (get_date of course being the relevant
+          issue for Make_Date, and for history.c too I think).  */
+       ftm = localtime (&unixtime);
+    (void) sprintf (date, DATEFORM,
+                   ftm->tm_year + (ftm->tm_year < 100 ? 0 : 1900),
+                   ftm->tm_mon + 1, ftm->tm_mday, ftm->tm_hour,
+                   ftm->tm_min, ftm->tm_sec);
+    ret = xstrdup (date);
+    return ret;
+/* Convert a date to RFC822/1123 format.  This is used in contexts like
+   dates to send in the protocol; it should not vary based on locale or
+   other such conventions for users.  We should have another routine which
+   does that kind of thing.
+   The SOURCE date is in our internal RCS format.  DEST should point to
+   storage managed by the caller, at least MAXDATELEN characters.  */
+date_to_internet (char *dest, const char *source)
+    struct tm date;
+    date_to_tm (&date, source);
+    tm_to_internet (dest, &date);
+date_to_tm (struct tm *dest, const char *source)
+    if (sscanf (source, SDATEFORM,
+               &dest->tm_year, &dest->tm_mon, &dest->tm_mday,
+               &dest->tm_hour, &dest->tm_min, &dest->tm_sec)
+           != 6)
+       /* Is there a better way to handle errors here?  I made this
+          non-fatal in case we are called from the code which can't
+          deal with fatal errors.  */
+       error (0, 0, "internal error: bad date %s", source);
+    if (dest->tm_year > 100)
+       dest->tm_year -= 1900;
+    dest->tm_mon -= 1;
+/* Convert a date to RFC822/1123 format.  This is used in contexts like
+   dates to send in the protocol; it should not vary based on locale or
+   other such conventions for users.  We should have another routine which
+   does that kind of thing.
+   The SOURCE date is a pointer to a struct tm.  DEST should point to
+   storage managed by the caller, at least MAXDATELEN characters.  */
+tm_to_internet (char *dest, const struct tm *source)
+    /* Just to reiterate, these strings are from RFC822 and do not vary
+       according to locale.  */
+    static const char *const month_names[] =
+      {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+        "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
+    sprintf (dest, "%d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d -0000", source->tm_mday,
+            source->tm_mon < 0 || source->tm_mon > 11
+               ? "???" : month_names[source->tm_mon],
+            source->tm_year + 1900, source->tm_hour, source->tm_min,
+             source->tm_sec);
+ * Format a date for the current locale.
+ *
+ *   UNIXTIME  The UNIX seconds since the epoch.
+ *
+ *   If my_strftime() encounters an error, this function can return NULL.
+ *
+ *   Otherwise, returns a date string in ISO8601 format, e.g.:
+ *
+ *     2004-04-29 13:24:22 -0700
+ *
+ *   It is the responsibility of the caller to return of this string.
+ */
+static char *
+format_time_t (time_t unixtime)
+    static char buf[sizeof ("yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS -HHMM")];
+    /* Convert to a time in the local time zone.  */
+    struct tm ltm = *(localtime (&unixtime));
+    if (!my_strftime (buf, sizeof (buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", &ltm, 0, 0))
+       return NULL;
+    return xstrdup (buf);
+/* Like format_time_t(), but return time in UTC.
+ */
+char *
+gmformat_time_t (time_t unixtime)
+    static char buf[sizeof ("yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS -HHMM")];
+    /* Convert to a time in the local time zone.  */
+    struct tm ltm = *(gmtime (&unixtime));
+    if (!my_strftime (buf, sizeof (buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", &ltm, 0, 0))
+       return NULL;
+    return xstrdup (buf);
+/* Format a date in the local timezone using format_time_t() given a date from
+ * an arbitrary timezone in a string.
+ *
+ *   DATESTR   A string that looks like anything get_date() can parse, e.g.:
+ *
+ *                      2004-04-29 20:24:22
+ *
+ *   As get_date() & format_time_t().  Prints a warning if either provide
+ *   error return values.  See RETURNS.
+ *
+ *   A freshly allocated string that is a copy of the input string if either
+ *   get_date() or format_time_t() encounter an error and as format_time_t()
+ *   otherwise.
+ */
+char *
+format_date_alloc (char *datestr)
+    struct timespec t;
+    char *buf;
+    TRACE (TRACE_FUNCTION, "format_date (%s)", datestr);
+    /* Convert the date string to seconds since the epoch. */
+    if (!get_date (&t, datestr, NULL))
+    {
+       error (0, 0, "Can't parse date/time: `%s'.", datestr);
+       goto as_is;
+    }
+    /* Get the time into a string, truncating any nanoseconds returned by
+     * getdate.
+     */
+    if ((buf = format_time_t (t.tv_sec)) == NULL)
+    {
+       error (0, 0, "Unable to reformat date `%s'.", datestr);
+       goto as_is;
+    }
+    return buf;
+ as_is:
+    return xstrdup (datestr);
+usage (register const char *const *cpp)
+    (void) fprintf (stderr, *cpp++, program_name, cvs_cmd_name);
+    for (; *cpp; cpp++)
+       (void) fprintf (stderr, *cpp);
+    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+/* vim:tabstop=8:shiftwidth=4
+ */

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