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[Dataexplorer-help] Support for Junsi-Charger

From: Larx
Subject: [Dataexplorer-help] Support for Junsi-Charger
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 06:55:22 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.8.0 (Linux/3.2.7-9-desktop; KDE/4.8.0; x86_64; ; )

Pretty low traffic on this mailing list... so I will start. 

First: I'm really glad about having an up-to-date software for alternative 
operating systems for my Graupner HoTT system. Thanks for the work!!

My question: Is it also possible to support Junsi eChargers (208B, in my 
case)? I gave it a try with the DevicePropertiesEditor and the .ini-file from 
LogView, but I didn't get far. There are some entries which are pretty simple 
to transfer, but pretty soon I simply had no further ideas.

I don't know if it is legal to attach the LogViewer-.ini-file, so I won't do 
it, but it is available from the corresponding web page.

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