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Re: How to show data in hex format?

From: Geert Vancompernolle
Subject: Re: How to show data in hex format?
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:31:16 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

ron flory wrote:
Geert Vancompernolle wrote:

When debugging, How can I see the data represented in hex iso. octal or decimal format?

 I'm not sure if this is what you are asking, but:

  (right-mouse on displayed variable)-> New Display-> Convert To Hex

 This is a manual operation and kind of a pain when you need to
convert several items to other radix, but its the built-in method.


Ddd mailing list

Thanks for the info, Ron,

I indeed found back in the user's guide that this is one possible way. But as you pointed out, a quite "cumbersome" one...

I hope the patch Ron was proposing, can be used so that I can choose for a certain format once and not have to repeat it over and over again.

Best rgds,


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