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Re: [dev-serveez] Avoiding code fork/duplication of serveez cfg code

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] Avoiding code fork/duplication of serveez cfg code
Date: 26 Nov 2002 21:02:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Thien-Thi Nguyen <address@hidden> writes:

> Andreas Rottmann <address@hidden> writes:
>    PS: As fort the guile stuff - I'll bring
>    that up later, so be warned ;-)
> for us slow thinkers -- can you give a hint
> about what issues will need to be addressed
> wrt guile?
While thinking about the implementation of my code, the following
problem has come up:

The guile interface of serveez is all in the binary, not
libserveez. This is fine, as there are cases (most notably client
implementations), that will not need any guile stuff. However, server
implementations might need a guile interface beyond the basic server
configure mechanism serveez provides. These servers (and my code is an
example hereof) might nevertheless make good use of the guile
configuration binding code in the serveez binary. Thus, I perceive the
need for a separate libserveez-guile library, which contains those
useful pieces. I offer to pull the code out of serveez (mostly out of
guile.c /methinks), give it a clean interface, put it a separate
library and make serveez use this library.

Regards, Andy
Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden        | address@hidden | 
address@hidden | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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