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XNOR2 Failure in VHDL Compile

From: kannoll
Subject: XNOR2 Failure in VHDL Compile
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:40:11 -0400

I'm trying to run an ALS simulation of a basic logic circuit (half-adder). 

I can successfully simulate the circuit with a AND2 and XOR2 gate, but if I
toggle the output ports of the two gates to get a NAND2 and XNOR2, the VHDL
compiler complains:

Generating VHDL from 'cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{sch}'' ... Done, created
cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{vhdl}'
Compiling VHDL in cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{vhdl}' ...*****  UNRESOLVED
xnor2, 1 time(s)
 Done, created cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{net.als}'
Simulating netlist in cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{net.als}'
ERROR: Model 'XNOR2' not found, simulation aborted

The output VHDL is:

-- VHDL automatically generated from cell 'half_adder_logicNEW{sch}'
entity half_adder_logicNEW is port(In1, In2: in BIT; Cout, S: out BIT);
  end half_adder_logicNEW;

architecture half_adder_logicNEW_BODY of half_adder_logicNEW is
  component nand2 port(a1, a2: in BIT; y: out BIT);
    end component;
  component xnor2 port(a1, a2: in BIT; y: out BIT);
    end component;

  and_0: nand2 port map(In1, In2, Cout);
  xor_0: xnor2 port map(In1, In2, S);
end half_adder_logicNEW_BODY;

I'm fairly new to VHDL (I'm not a circuit designer by trade ;-), so I'm not
sure if this is a problem with my circuit or a problem with Elecric.

Any pointers would be welcomed. 

I'm running Electric 8.04 currently.


Kevin A. Noll, KD4WOZ

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