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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] multi_tone.py

From: Robert McGwier
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] multi_tone.py
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 07:17:05 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Good point.

I commented out the offending lines. If you have portaudio and/or jack, they are easily replaced.

#from gnuradio import audio_portaudio
#from gnuradio import audio_jack

and then remove the comment in front of the

dst = audio_jack.sink


dst = audio_portaudio.sink

if you wish to have local support. I could easily upload multi_tone_allhosts.py, etc.


Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
On Monday 13 March 2006 20:49, Robert McGwier wrote:
multi_tone.py has been committed that supports

jack  with -O jack
portaudio with -O pa
oss with -O /dev/dsp
alsa otherwise

The portaudio sink segment faulted.  jack support was partial and
produces good sound on one channel if connected and rough sound if
connected to the other channel.

This is a good test file to get all of the outputs working correctly.
We need to get the multiple channel support going.  When I connect my
delta 44 to jack  about a dozen channel show up.  On alsa this is
handled by plughw but jack just handles it beautifully.  On Windows,
the channels are better id'd as 1/2,   3/4, and Multi (1,2,3,4) (I know
this from using WSJT which I got to use portaudio and the reason for my
bringing it up to this group).

multi_tone.py is now broken as it requires audio_portaudio and audio_jack modules.

barossa: {11} ./multi_tone.py -O /dev/audio
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./multi_tone.py", line 25, in ?
    from gnuradio import audio_portaudio
ImportError: cannot import name audio_portaudio

Why force users to install all modules in order to run a otherwise very simple test application? Jack and portaudio may not even be available for some platforms.

cheerio Berndt

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