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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Quick Change to fusb_darwin

From: Jan Schiefer
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Quick Change to fusb_darwin
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 22:31:32 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)

Michael Dickens wrote:
ps> Has anyone successfully gotten GNURadio (and thus background libraries and includes) to install and execute on an Intel-Mac? It was good to see the note about ".align 4" versus ".align 16", so I know that folks are making progress. I hope to have access (remotely, without USRP hardware) to an Intel-Mac soon and will start working my way through the process. I will update my install guide (2) with advice once I get it working, but I certainly welcome advice from others who have already done this or are in the process of doing it.
I am almost there and I'll send you my notes once I am a little further with the USRP. I tried a few examples without the USRP, and everything I tried showed signs of life. I am still working on the USRP part, and it is looking promising. As soon as I can pry the machine out of my wife's hands, I'll continue my quest.

The prerequisites weren't hard, the process I used for the wxPython libraries is somewhat questionable, but it appears to work. fftw-3-single didn't build from darwinports, and that's because the Portfile enables Altivec. Once I changed that, it built fine. Then there's the alignment issue in gnuradio-core, but that's pretty much all I had to do so far.

One question, do you have a pointer to a concise description of the USB problems? I'll be happy to test your fix for applicability to the Intel Macs.


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