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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] OQPSK for IEEE 802.15.4

From: Thomas Schmid
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] OQPSK for IEEE 802.15.4
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 07:46:53 -0700

Hi Luis,

I implemented exactly that. Here is the code:



On 7/21/06, Luis Simoes <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,

I will implement a ZigBee transceiver on Gnuradio using channels in the 2.4GHz
ISM band. I studied a bit the IEEE standart and I could observe that ZigBee
uses DSSS channel encoding with 32 chips long random noise sequences and an
offset QPSK modulation scheme. The offset between In-phase and quadrature
streams is a half symbol duration. Does anybody have an idea how to build a
phase detector and decision device for this modulation in Gnuradio? What's
about the costas loop for QPSK detection? Is this loop able to trigger the
offset fast enough or should I build two phase detection loops, one for each
stream (I & Q). After having the two streams what could be the best way to
achieve symbol recovery? And , as last question for the moment, in
transmission mode how can I build a delay for the offset needed? DSSS is not
a big deal and I think that I will write a block with simple mapping tables.

I am still designing the application and some tips would be very precious to
start implementation by the right way.
I appreciate any advise or tip and I'd like to thank all of you in advance.


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