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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] ps3 performance

From: Robert McGwier
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] ps3 performance
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 01:16:25 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

This and other questions. You are not doing something right. Just using the spe's for fft's we will see a huge speed up in gnuradio. I can run filter, NCO, baud clock and carrier recovery, and equalizer on the cell on 40 Mbaud signals. Trying getting that out of a (Intel) cola nut.

We can't support that data rate into the ps3 but I can into the cell servers at work. The PS3 will run like crap if you are running a windowing environment, even one of the lightweight ones because of small memory. That said, we are going to be able to really increase our signal processing throughput by selective use of the SPE's and decent planning our use.


Eric Blossom wrote:
On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 09:44:39AM +0200, Juha Vierinen wrote:
BTW, terrasoft sells ps3 pre-installed with linux (and a root password
supplied). I have never even connected a monitor to my ps3.

But as to performance, has anyone measured decent performance on a
ps3? I am starting to think that it is not possible to achieve
anything near the theoretical peak performance. I am often getting
better performance with a intel core2 than on the 6+1 processors that
come with Cell. Intel c compiler often comes up with a faster program
just by autovectorizing a standard c program --  and this is compared
to something hand vectorized and paralellized for Cell. It could be
just that I'm not at all good at optimizing code, but this is also
true for some of the examples that come with the IBM SDK (eg. the
euler solver). The only thing that I have found to be impressive was
the cell optimized fft.

(1) Are you ordering and aligning your SPE instructions such that you're
    getting dual issue?

(2) Are you providing branch hints?  A mispredicted branch stalls for
    11 cycles.


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AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
“An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
must the pessimist always run to blow it out?” Descartes

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