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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] a question about wx.App()

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] a question about wx.App()
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:54:18 -0400

On Mar 25, 2008, at 1:13 AM, Bill Stevenson wrote:
Oops! Could u tell me the location of _core_.py file? I just found out the _core.py file, but could not find the _core_.py. Thank you again!!!

I'm glad you caught my error ... "_core" instead of "_code" ;)

_core.py and _core_.so shuld be in the same directory (in your case, / usr/lib/python2.5/sitepackages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx ). The 'so' is a shared library, created by wxPython, and is part of a SWIG interface into wxWidgets (which is a C++ compiled library and includes).

On Mar 25, 2008, at 1:11 AM, Bill Stevenson wrote:
Thank u for your reply!!! I have searched all of my compute, but could not find out the wxWidgets! Could u tell me what its path is? Where is it? I really want to look at the C++ code! Thank u!!!

In order to access those codes, you'll need the original source tarball, extract it, and find those files. Depending on your OS-type, this can be done as part of the code install - or you might need to download the tarball (e.g., from < http://www.wxwidgets.org/downloads/ >), extract it, and then start searching around in it.

For example, if you're running on MacOS X and using MacPorts, you can find the original source via:

sudo port -f patch wxWidgets
pushd `port dir wxWidgets`/work/wxWidgets*

and then search around from there (e.g. "grep -inr 'wx\.App' ."). I would guess on most Linux'es, you're better off just downloading the original source tarball and working with it ... just makes sure you find the correct version of wxWidgets ;) - MLD

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