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[Discuss-gnuradio] High bandwidth channel estimation using the USRP

From: Emanuel Birge
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] High bandwidth channel estimation using the USRP
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:28:31 +0100


My name is Emanuel and I'm doing my master thesis project for a small company called Actiwave (http://www.actiwave.se). We recently bought a USRP-board together with an assortment of daughterboards. The dboards I'll be using for my thesis are the BasicTX & -RX. After that short introduction I'll move right to the topic:

Question A:
I'm interested in calculating an estimate of the impulse response of a speaker cable, using pseudo-white noise and bypassing all forms of interpolation/decimation/modulation/demodulation-blocks, for as wide a bandwidth as possible. However, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the USB-interface on the USRP is too slow (8 MHz) to, so to speak, do this "online". Say I want to use 10,000 pseudo-white samples with at least 8bit resolution. Is this possible without rewriting very much of the Verilog-code?

Question B:
Is it possible if rewriting very much of the Verilog-code?

Below is an illustration of what I want to do.

------------------------        ---------------------       ------------------------------------------------       ----------------------------------       ----------------------
| gen. wh. noise |  => | store on ursp | => | transmit & receive @ full speed | => | store received on usrp | => | trans. to host |
------------------------        ---------------------       ------------------------------------------------       ----------------------------------       ----------------------

Thank you in advance,
Emanuel Birge

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