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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] A few words on development

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] A few words on development
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 19:51:00 -0400
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What it seems to come down to is a lack of initiative. We are all willing to wait until someone else does something for us, and then report on the problems. But it's hard to start something and push it out there. First, you expose yourself to criticism and bug reports. You might feel uncomfortable about your code. Don't. Don't worry about those things. We the community as a whole will be much more grateful for your efforts in making the project better than insulting you for mistakes or "ugly" code. We can work on minor issues like that. Especially if everyone is helping.

There are two things that I want everyone to consider helping with. First, look at my post on using Github (and use whatever Git-supported service you prefer) to help develop, add features, and fix bugs in branches. I can then pull them into the master branch easily. Second, I have started to build a Coding Guide on our GNU Radio Wiki (http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/gnuradio/Coding_guide). It's very basic right now, but we can pull in the text that is in README.hacking, too. I find, and I think others do as well, that getting information in the form of a webpage is preferable to a text file. We can use this space to iterate and evolve our style, and then hopefully (over time) backtrack and improve the existing code that we find lacking.

If we can get your help for stuff big and small, I really think we can start to see us making the project even better than it is now.

Thanks for your time,
Having been a contributor of both new-content and bug-fixes and "sidecars" (like build-gnuradio), I can attest that the experience is very
  rewarding.  I only regret that I can't spend more time on making Gnu Radio better.  Between my full-time job, and spending my
  "spare" (ha!) time *using* Gnu Radio for actual applications work, I find I have less time for bug-fixing/contributing than I used to.

The Josh object is amazing, to be sure.  But even an energetic young whipper-snapper like Josh can't keep from burnout forever.
  So, those of you who feel competent to contribute, and have been holding back, JUST DO IT :-)

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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