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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Daughter Board ID List

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Daughter Board ID List
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 22:11:57 -0400
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> Hello everyone,
> I'm just diving into the GNU Radio/Python world and have been doing
> some "Hello World" sort of exercises to become more familiar. 
> Currently I'm working on a python program to pole my USRP2 and return
> pertinent daughter board information.  I am running GNU Radio 3.4.1 on
> Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS.
> My question is: is there a well defined list of daughter board IDs
> that I can reference?  Currently I am using the information contained
> in /usrp/host/lib/usrp_dbid.cc as my reference for the board IDs, but
> it doesn't match what the daughter board returns when I call
> "my_usrp2.daughterboard_id()".  From what I have read on the mailing
> list, there are some inconsistencies with daughter board names (e.g.
> 0xffff being switched to "no daughter board" instead of
> "experimental").  Can anyone shed some light on this?
> Thank you in advance,
> Ryan
Could I suggest that, given that you're just starting out, that you
start out with UHD, rather than
 "classic", for one, there are now daughtercards that aren't supported
at all by "classic", and that
  will get "worse" over time, as more daughtercards are added, etc. All
new USRP driver-side
  development and bug-fixing will happen on UHD.

Since you don't have any "legacy" that you need to be backwards
compatible with, it's a good point
 to simply commit to UHD.

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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