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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD source (data keeps being sent)

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD source (data keeps being sent)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 22:09:03 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20111108 Fedora/3.1.16-1.fc14 Thunderbird/3.1.16

I have a confusing issue. I am running my flow graph feeding data from a source vector (repeat set to False). The data after processing is being passed to UHD source. The file executes and data gets sent over the channel. But even after the python file has been executed and returnds, the data is being sent by the USRP (until i power it off). I tried using flowgraph start(), stop(), wait, sleep commands, to time and control it, but the same issue persists.

Why is this happening? Please guide me.

Uzair Baig
Could you describe what you mean by "data gets sent over the channel", and exactly what your flow-graph looks like. You say that you're passing data *to* a UHD source, but clearly, that's not possible. Also, the vector source/sinks were never intended for production use, but
  only for QA testing.

Unless there's ethernet frames "keeping the pump full", you shouldn't see anything out of the transmitter, except for LO leakage, after you
  stop sending data.

Which versions of UHD are you using? What is your hardware? How is it set-up? Which version of Gnu Radio are you using? What is your
  platform?  (Ubuntu, Fedora, Windows, etc).

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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