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[Discuss-gnuradio] gr-ctrlport client using IceE

From: Alexandru Csete
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-ctrlport client using IceE
Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 00:42:05 +0200

Just FYI, trying to compile a controlport client using the embedded
version of Ice (IceE) gives an error

slice2cppe gnuradio.ice
gnuradio.ice:72: Struct data member `min' cannot be a value object.
gnuradio.ice:73: Struct data member `max' cannot be a value object.
gnuradio.ice:74: Struct data member `defaultvalue' cannot be a value object.
gnuradio.ice:78: Dictionary `KnobMap' cannot contain object values.
gnuradio.ice:87: `KnobMap' is not defined
gnuradio.ice:88: `KnobMap' is not defined

This was on a raspberry pi, where trying to use the regular libice
gives an "unknown architecture" error, which is weird enough on it's
own given that it is a binary package from the raspbian repository.


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