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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] libusb error with gnuradio v3.4.2git

From: Robert Light
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] libusb error with gnuradio v3.4.2git
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 11:16:13 +0100 (CET)

You are right, my intention is to use it with OpenBTS or rather  with OsmoBTS. BTS says something like "failed to tune RX ...." and transceiver is not working properly. I also installed gnuradio many times and never had a problem with usrp_fft.py and I completly don't know what the problem could be this time. Looks like the usb transfer is working, but every attempt to change the settings of rfx1800 or usrp fails. The same board works fine on another computer.
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 07. November 2013 um 11:02 Uhr
Von: "Ralph A. Schmid, dk5ras" <address@hidden>
An: "'Robert Light'" <address@hidden>, address@hidden
Betreff: RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] libusb error with gnuradio v3.4.2git

What are you intending to do with this installation? Sounds a bit like OpenBTS to me. If this is your aim, what does OpenBTS say? I never tested the installation this way, just fired the stuff up, and usually it worked :)




From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Robert Light
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 10:49 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] libusb error with gnuradio v3.4.2git


Hi, Can someone help me to solve the problem below?

I have usrp1 with RFX1800. When running usrp_fft.py I get error "failed to set initial frequency" and see no spectrum. starting usrp_fft.py -R A helps at the beginning, I can see the spectrum, but any attempt to change the frequency freezes the spectrum or causes it to dissapear and says "failed". And as you can see there are some fusb, libusb errors.

My usrp was working fine untill I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and reinstalled gnuradio.


robert-pc:~/gnuradio$ usrp_fft.py
fusb::_reap libusb_handle_events() -10

(python:26722): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.


usrp_benchmark_usb.py returns:


Testing 2MB/sec... usb_throughput = 2M
ntotal    = 1000000
nright    = 999994
runlength = 999994
delta     = 6
Testing 4MB/sec... fusb::_cancel_lutusb_throughput = 4M
ntotal    = 2000000
nright    = 1997869
runlength = 1997655
delta     = 2345
Testing 8MB/sec... fusb::_cancel_lutusb_throughput = 8M
ntotal    = 4000000
nright    = 3998087
runlength = 3998087
delta     = 1913
Testing 16MB/sec... fusb::_cancel_lutfusb::_cancel_lutfusb::_cancel_lutusb_throughput = 16M
ntotal    = 8000000
nright    = 7999035
runlength = 7999035
delta     = 965
Testing 32MB/sec... fusb::_cancel_lutfusb::_cancel_lutfusb::_cancel_lutusb_throughput = 32M
ntotal    = 16000000
nright    = 15999605
runlength = 15999605
delta     = 395
Max USB/USRP throughput = 32MB/sec


I installed dependecies with build gnuradio script, then I did manual installation. I have Ubuntu 12.04 3.2.0-55-generic-pae i386 i686.

I configured gnuradio with the following command:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ ./configure -q --prefix=/home/robert/gr342 --disable-gr-qtgui --with-fusb-tech=libusb1 --enable-usrp --enable-gr-usrp --enable-gnuradio-core --disable-usrp2 --disable-volk


my .bashrc is below, I have a symbolic link pointing .sys > /home/robert/gr342


export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/bin:/opt/microblaze/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin/:$PATH
export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH



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