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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] The GSoC project on LDPC codes.

From: Manu T S
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] The GSoC project on LDPC codes.
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 12:12:31 +0530


The difference could be because of the way the encoding is implemented. My encoding scheme is very naive. And it need ***not*** necessarily be true that the last K bits are the data bits. Here it happened, but the encoder does not have anything to make sure of this in general. If the decoder is able to correct all the errors in the received vector the decoding will return the data. So even if the codewords does not match one to one with P25, there are no worries.

One good thing about having the data (as it is) at the end/ beginning is that once we decode the codeword correctly, then it is trivial to get back the data. It has as much complexity as in splitting a vector into two.
But since gr-ldpc encoding does not have this feature, (but it knows which all positions corresponds to data-bits and also the order) it will have as much complexity as in permuting a vector. It is still linear, and so not going to be bottleneck.

So I don't see any reason why the user has to be picky about the exact ordering of the parity bits in the generated codeword, unless he uses some other decoding schemes to decode the codeword.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 4:29 AM, ikjtel <address@hidden> wrote:
> Now I'm wondering why I didn't get any segmentation faults.

You should be able to reproduce this by loading the alist file from the reference site
http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/codes/alist.html    (that example may
not be a good LDPC example, but should at minimum cause a fault in unfixed alist.cc)

The next question (tl;dr) about LDPC may not be an actual bug, but I don't have enough
knowledge of this topic to know for sure.  All I know about the error correcting
codes has been learned through experimentation and trial and error...

One of the error correcting codes used in P25 has a 4x8 generator matrix and I've
been able successfully to get numpy to generate code words that match what we've
seen over the air from analysis of actual P25 TDMA traffic.  When I tried to generate
the set of all possible code words using LDPC it produced a very interesting result
(see below).  It appears that the codewords that gr-ldpc generates really are the same
as the ones used in P25, however the generated parity bits appear before the user
data bits, instead of as in P25 where the parity bits are appended after the original
data bits.

data    P25             gr-ldpc
word    codeword        codeword
====    ========        ========
0       00000000        00000000
1       00010111        11010001
2       00101110        01110010
3       00111001        10100011
4       01001011        10110100
5       01011100        01100101
6       01100101        11000110
7       01110010        00010111
8       10001101        11101000
9       10011010        00111001
10      10100011        10011010
11      10110100        01001011
12      11000110        01011100
13      11010001        10001101
14      11101000        00101110
15      11111111        11111111

The "problem" is that if we receive say, P25 codeword 01011100 we want it to decode
to 5 (0101) whereas if gr-ldpc is called upon to decode 01011100 its answer is 12 .
In this small example we could clean up afterwords by adding a lookup table
(4 bits in, 4 bits out) to map the result back to the proper value, but it's not clear
that would be generalizable.

I've pasted the python code below that's used to generate the  second column in the
table above - the example shown  is for dataword='0101' (5) 

>>> import numpy as np
>>> g = np.array(np.mat('1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1; 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1; 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1'))
>>> codeword = np.dot([0,1,0,1], g) % 2
>>> print codeword
[0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]

The question (_if_ I understand things correctly) seems to be : how reasonable / unreasonable is it for users of the
library to be picky about the exact ordering of the parity bits in the generated codewords?

Thx again Manu



Manu T S

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