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[Discuss-gnuradio] CentOS 7 GR wxPython 3.0 Ettus B210 and R820T

From: Red Gator
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] CentOS 7 GR wxPython 3.0 Ettus B210 and R820T
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 16:39:32 -0500

Just got this limping around.

* need CentOS/RHEL baseline for a variety of reasons
* really rather have WX as other code uses it
* pybombs did not seem to do the job
* built from gnuradio git sources
* UHD 3.7.1
* osmocore and rtl-sdr gr-osmosdr form osmocom.org
* needs qwt from EPEL repository
* needs PyQwt from sourceforge
* There is a bug in GR with regard to wxPython 3.0 - it will winge about "m_window" and fail in any wxgui.

wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "m_window" failed at
./src/gtk/dcclient.cpp(2041) in DoGetSize(): GetSize() doesn't work
without window
There is a workaround for any given application here: http://imyy.in/blog/?p=26  

It seems that this can be made more general by putting it the wxgui top_block::__init__ itself:

$ diff -btwc  ../gr-wxgui/grc/top_block_gui.py.orig ../gr-wxgui/grc/top_block_gui.py

*** ../gr-wxgui/grc/top_block_gui.py.orig       Mon Jul  7 17:28:59 2014

--- ../gr-wxgui/grc/top_block_gui.py    Sat Nov  8 13:02:32 2014


*** 47,52 ****

--- 47,53 ----

                  self.Add = self._panel.Add

                  self.GridAdd = self._panel.GridAdd

                  self.GetWin = self._panel.GetWin

+                 self.Start(False)


          def SetIcon(self, *args, **kwargs): self._frame.SetIcon(*args, **kwargs)


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