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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC Building Block Internals

From: West, Nathan
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC Building Block Internals
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:43:31 -0500

Hi John,

There's some python embedded in the GRC xml.
    The <import> block is a python command: 'from gnuradio import analog'
    The <make> block is another python command: 'analog.wfm_rcv(...)' that uses the analog module that was imported from gnuradio.

That python code can come from two places: native python (hierarchical) blocks or C++ blocks that have been wrapped in to python by SWIG. In this case it's a python hierarchical block. Look in gnuradio/gr-analog/python/analog/ and you'll see 'wfm_rcv.py'

This file is a hierarchical block that connects input ->analog.quadrature_demod_cf -> filter.fir_filter_fff (and audio-rate LPF) -> deemph -> output. The analog.quadrature_demod_cf is in gr-analog/lib as quadrature_demod_cf_impl.{h,cc}. The filter.fir_filter_fff is in gr-filter/lib. deemph is in gr-analog/python/analog/fm_emph as a hierachical block that does some convenience math to set up an IIR filter in gr-filter.

All of the blocks that come with GNU Radio at some point go down to a C++ implementation. You can use the GRC xml files to figure out where to look for the blocks, and sometimes there's an intermediate python hierarchical block. Look at the import statements to figure out which component to look in. After spending some time with the framework you develop some knowledge and sense of where things belong so you no longer have to look around as much.

A potentially faster approach to find the C++ implementations when going in blind is to use python to dump of the graph with top_block.dump(). You can edit the python to do that; not sure if there's a button in GRC to do it.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 9:53 AM, John B. Wood <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello, everyone, and I trust most of you will indulge a GRC newbie.  After reading some of the online Gnuradio docs, I'm puzzled by what's inside building blocks that appear in the GRC block tree panel.  If I select "WBFM Receive" from the "Modulators" tab, for example, I know this defined by the analog_wfm_rcv.xml file in my /usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks directory.  When I examine this 672 byte file with a text editor, the what entries are there make sense but how can this block define an entire FM receiver (Filters, FM detector, etc) from I & Q signal inputs to baseband audio?  It doesn't seem possible.  What am I overlooking?

The other question is whether any of these building blocks were themselves created using GRC signal flow graphs and how to display them as such.  Thanks for your time and comment.  Sincerely,

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