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[Discuss-gnuradio] asynchronous messaging frameworks

From: Daniel Pocock
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] asynchronous messaging frameworks
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 15:10:15 +0100
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Is there any generic documentation about the use of GNU Radio with
asynchronous messaging and integration frameworks or would it be useful
to build up a wiki page about the topic?

I came across some pages referring to ZeroMQ support[1], I was also
curious about support for Qpid Proton[2] and other AMQP[3] systems.

There were some comments elsewhere about people using OpenMAMA[4]
(designed for low-latency financial messaging) to transport radar data,
among other things.

Another possibility that comes to mind is D-Bus[5] support, either at a
low-level (other desktop applications controlling the radio or receiving
data from the radio) or high level (e.g. a Telepathy Connection
Manager[6] implementing one of the various digital messaging
solutions[7] or even Morse code)

This could be a good way to further empower people familiar with other
systems, e.g. there was some question a while ago about how gpredict
could integrate with GNU Radio for real-time doppler shift
correction[8].  Doing such things over an asynchronous message bus leads
to looser coupling, so it is easier to swap components for
test/simulation or add more components to the architecture.



1. https://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_zeromq.html
2. https://qpid.apache.org/proton/
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Message_Queuing_Protocol
4. http://www.openmama.org/
5. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/
7. http://www.on0dp.be/?page_id=266
8. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2013-07/msg00305.html

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