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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] RX channel REALLYBIGNUMBER out of range for confi

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] RX channel REALLYBIGNUMBER out of range for configured RX frontends
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 19:20:42 -0400
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On 06/27/2016 06:47 PM, Robert Kraml wrote:

I have a simple c++ test program on a Ettus x310 that used to work now doesn't. I'm trying to simply set two center freq of two channels of a single USRP. The above Out of range error occurs when I try to set anything on the 2nd channel.

I get a crash with a Channel out of range error:

    $ ./t2j.out
    linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400; UHD_003.009.001-0-gf7a15853

    -- X300 initialization sequence...
    -- Determining maximum frame size... 1472 bytes.
    -- Setup basic communication...
    -- Loading values from EEPROM...
    -- Setup RF frontend clocking...
    -- Radio 1x clock:200
    -- Initialize Radio0 control...
    -- Performing register loopback test... pass
    -- Initialize Radio1 control...
    -- Performing register loopback test... pass
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'uhd::index_error'
      what():  LookupError: IndexError: multi_usrp: RX channel 140445275195320 out of range for configured RX frontends
    Aborted (core dumped)

Here is my test program:

int main( void )
// sources
gr::uhd::usrp_source::sptr  usrp1;

const std::string           usrp_addr = std::string( "addr=" );
uhd::stream_args_t          usrp_args = uhd::stream_args_t( "fc32" );
usrp_args.channels = std::vector<size_t> ( 0, 1 );
usrp1 = gr::uhd::usrp_source::make( usrp_addr, usrp_args );
usrp1->set_subdev_spec( std::string( "A:AB B:AB" ), 0 );
usrp1->set_clock_source( "external" );
usrp1->set_samp_rate( 5.0e6 );

usrp1->set_center_freq( 70e6, 0 );    // this is OK
usrp1->set_center_freq( 70e6, 1 );   // crashes here With RX Chan out of Range Error!

printf( "test Done!\n" );

return 0;
Am I missing some crucial step that might have been optional at some point but is not now?

The only thing I’ve found so far in searching is make sure PYTHONPATH is set correctly (and for the heck of it I made sure it pointed to the site_packages) but again that seems to be related to GRC and not C++.

I am using Ubuntu 14.04.4 and UHD 3.9.1 with gnuradio (Ive also tried with the same result.

The hardware is an Ettus x310 with two BasicRx daughterboards.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
What I would suggest, given that you're using Gnu Radio, is to use GRC to put together a quick flow-graph that uses both sides of your X310,
  with "A:AB", "B:AB"  and see if you get the same crash.

Even just sending the channels to NULL sinks to verify that the device setup is correct.

I don't immediately see an issue with your setup, but if a GRC-generate flow-graph works, then that gives us something to hang our hat on.

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