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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Trouble Installing a new block in GNURAdio (gr-ie

From: Cristian Rodríguez
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Trouble Installing a new block in GNURAdio (gr-ieee-802-11) not .cc.o file generated
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:17:39 -0500

Hi Kyeong,

2017-06-29 20:00 GMT-05:00 Kyeong Su Shin <address@hidden>:
Hello Cristian:

I am not too familiar with cmake and gr-802-11, but you probably have to modify cmake files and run cmake again if the files do not automatically get added. I suggest try editing CMakeLists.txt (the one located in lib directory).

thanks a lot for your message.

Yes, as you indicated it was solved by including my file in both CMakeLists.txt, and, in the Swig list, because it was built in C++.

Best regards,


Kyeong Su Shin

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Cristian Rodríguez <address@hiddencom> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm designing a block in C++. It has .c, .h and .xml files. I put them in the same folders than mac or decode_mac blocks are in.

I installed all the blocks of ge-ieee-802-11 again, as follows,
cd gr-ieee802-11
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
but I dont know what i'm not including because the .cc.o file is not being generated for my block, as occurs with mac or decode_mac.

In the terminal, I can see that decode_mac.cc.o (the block from which i'm building the mine ) is generated.
[ 20%] Building CXX object lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ieee802_11.dir/decode_mac.cc.o
And, installed in the project,
Install the project...
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include/ieee802-11/gnuradio/ieee802_11/decode_mac.h
But the mine, doesn't appear in the list.

Though, when it is checking for .xml files, it is listing the mine.
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks/ieee802_11_app.xml

I know, maybe, it is just a line in a file, but i can't go ahead with it.

If you know the solution to my problem or you have a reference page, i would be very greatful.

I read,
but I didn't found the answer.

Thanks a lot for your time to read.

Best regards,


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