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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-lte make error

From: Johannes Demel
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-lte make error
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 10:10:10 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.7.0

Hi all,

I'm uncertain how to integrate VOLK into the 'gr-lte' CMakeLists file. I've just looked at some other modules. I ended up just adding the line 'find_package(Volk)'. This ends up in a 'works for me'. CMake finds 'VOLK' and I could just compile 'gr-lte' from a new github clone. Though, I can't find a line where the library or include dir are actually added to the corresponding lists. Also, it seems like there is no 'findVOLK.cmake' file in 'cmake/modules' (not only in gr-lte. It's also missing in other OOT modules). Could someone point me in the right direction where I can find some more infos on this whole 'find_package' CMake magic?
So far I've pushed my change to a new branch 'cmake-volk-fix'.


On 27.08.2017 21:37, Marcus Müller wrote:
Oh, I missed that. Not cool, considering I think I've inherently become
one of gr-lte's maintainers :/ Thanks!

Best regards,

On 27.08.2017 21:20, Michael Dickens wrote:
The issue is that gr-lte requires Volk but does not check for it --
nor use its API / headers correctly nor use its ABI / libraries
correctly -- in the CMakeLists.txt scripts. This is a simple fix,
which you can copy from other OOT modules.

Related: Are you trying to use MacPorts to do the install? I've
thought about adding gr-lte into MP for a while. Would not be
difficult for me to do so, along with patching this issue, so that
installing it is as simple as "sudo port install gr-lte" ... - MLD

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017, at 03:34 AM, w xd wrote:
Environment: Mac os 10.12.6

I want to install gr-lte and learn something about LTE. And I follow
the instruction from https://github.com/kit-cel/gr-lte.

when the go to the command "make -jX", it go wrong.

The error message:

Linking CXX shared library libgnuradio-lte.dylib
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_volk_32f_accumulator_s32f_a", referenced from:

Have someone met this problem? Thanks very much.

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