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[Discuss-gnuradio] Meaning of header_payload_demux0 - Parser returned #f

From: Roberts, Alex S.
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Meaning of header_payload_demux0 - Parser returned #f
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 22:54:13 +0000

I'm playing around with some of the packet and ofdm examples with the eventual goal of streaming udp packets generated by gsrteamer encoding a webcamera. Unfortunately, I've been having some difficulty with the examples that I can't understand. For example, running the packet_loopback_hier example, it will run fine for some period of time (seems to be different amount each run) then it stops printing message debugs and spams the console with

header_payload_demux0 - Parser returned #f

Occasionally, the flowchart will crash and stop running.

In the current run I have open, the correlation plot looks good, the transmit Time Freq and Constellation Plots are active, and the receive plots are no longer updated (probably because nothing is being decoded?)

I've tried looking a the archives to see what causes this problem, but have not found a good answer. 

Alex Roberts

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